The [F]irst time a girl made a [M]ove on me

This story takes place back when I was in college. During my time in university I went through a lot of changes in my personal life. I started school as your typical American Christian boy, and graduated an Atheist. After actually reading the entire Bible my sophomore year and realizing Christian culture just cherry picks what the want to hear to conform to their beliefs, I became an Atheist. My first college girlfriend was pretty happy with this realization, not only because I would stop hanging out with all the Christian kids that didn’t accept her, but also meant we could start having sex.

But this story isn’t about my first college girlfriend. When I officially became an atheist near the end of my sophomore year, I wanted to start fresh again my junior year of college. I cut ties with all my friends from the Christian groups, broke up with my first girlfriend, and moved off campus.