The tension with my 24[F] massage therapist ~30[M] finally erupted after my breakup PT 3

Sorry for the delay everyone – I caught covid for the second time and have done nothing but sleep really for the past week. Here’s a link to [my last story]( if you want to catch up. I promise no matter how long this one get’s I’ll get to the sexual part!

As a quick summary of what happened, I went in after breaking up with my boyfriend and feeling hella anxious and stressed. The massage started with Ben rubbing my feet, then giving me a neck and shoulder massage while I was lying on my back. He moved lower and massaged the top of my chest, and began teasing the edges of my breasts with his strokes. I was getting incredibly turned on as his fingers got closer and closer to my nipples, but then he asked me to turn over onto my stomach. I left off that part by asking if he could work on my glutes as well – for both physical and personal reasons.


The tension with my 24[F] massage therapist ~30[M] finally erupted after my breakup PT 2

Hey again – thanks for your patience, I got crazy busy with work and didn’t have any time to write until now. If you want to catch up and see what led to this, you can read my first part [here](

As a TLDR for part 1, I started going to a local massage studio to get some assistance loosening up my legs and lower back due to lots of cycling this summer. After getting massaged by two of the women who worked there, they recommended me to Ben since he’s more focused on sports recovery. Ben was great, and I could sense some flirting going on during our second sessions, but everything was perfectly respectable.

Going in for the third session, I knew I wanted to be a little more chatty and get to know him better. To help me relax and really get in tune with my body before the session, I consumed a really small amount of a THC edible – just about 3 milligrams.

The tension with my 24[F] massage therapist ~30M[M] finally erupted after my breakup

Hey everyone! Like the title says, I’ve fairly recently gotten out of a long term relationship. I never cheated on my partner, but in the last few months we were together I was getting regular massages at a massage studio. After trying out a few different MT’s, I finally settled on seeing one guy (Ben) regularly.
At first I thought it was just me being sex/touch deprived, but I realized after maybe the third session that there was some heavy mutual flirting and teasing going on in our sessions. I just saw him again for the first time post breakup yesterday and oh boy do I have a story to tell.
I guess I should start at the beginning though. I’ve been really getting back into cycling this spring and summer, and as such have been feeling a lot of tension and soreness in my legs, hips, and lower back. My ex and I used to give eachother massages all the time, but as he grew more distant that stopped.
After being turned down for the nth time by my partner, I decided several months ago to try out this cute little massage studio near my apartment. There are several MT’s who work there and I think they all like split ownership of the studio, because there’s ever only one of them at a time. Anyways, my first massage was with a really friendly and cute girl named Ally.
The first massage was good, but as we were chatting during that session she recommended I try out a few different MTs before choosing one to see regularly. I scheduled my next session with another gal named Natalie. She gave me a really relaxing massage, but told me another guy who worked there named Ben specialized in sports recovery massage.
I’ve had a few other real massages before, but except for boyfriends they had always been with women. Anyways, several weeks went by, and then I was walking into the studio and shaking hands with Ben. Right off the bat I found him pretty attractive – shaggy black hair, hazel/green eyes, toned forearms but otherwise a pretty normal body type, and maybe just under 6′ tall.
After briefly introducing me and telling him about my hip issues and cycling training, he left the room for me to get set. I had always gone nude in massages before, but wasn’t sure what the etiquette was for mix gendered scenarios, so I opted to leave my panties on. I laid face down on the table and soon heard the door open and his raspy voice telling me to relax.
I really loved his massage style – it was a lot of very grounding breathwork and light touch to begin, and he slowly ramped up his pressure and deeper bodywork as we continued. After working down my back, stretching out the backs of my thighs, and rubbing my feet and calves he asked me to turn over.
I flipped for him (totally under the covers), and he started to work back up my legs. We chatted a little, but it was mostly me listening to him describe what he was doing and why. He was saying how I was carrying a lot of tension in my quads, and began stretching and kneading deeper into my thighs. One of my legs was fully covered by the sheet, but still I naturally spread my legs for him to get a better angle as he started kneading into me.
Up until this point I had been super relaxed and really intune with my body, but as I spread my legs I noticed how wet I was, and could feel that tingling throb contrasting against the soft fabric of my panties. As he really started to open up my hips and dig into my thighs, my mind was melting between feelings of deep, borderline painful pleasure and the throbbing between my legs. I could tell my skin got super flushed and he could probably tell I was turned on, but he just continued talking me through it and making me feel so relaxed.
The first session was great, and the second session a couple weeks later followed a similar pattern. I was in my panties again, and he had just finished my back and was working down towards my butt. He was working my glutes a little harder this time, and he kept going right up to the edge of my panties covering my butt. I was wearing pretty cheeky/wide panties, so he wasn’t getting quite where I was sorest, and I think he could tell.
He was telling me about how he could tell I was tight closer to my hip, and while he was giving me tips on how to work it out at home I asked if he could massage it. He said he totally could, but then told me that most clients leave underwear on if it’s a sensitive/no touch area. I giggled and told him I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to take them off which made him reassure me that it was all up to me.
I happily reached down to pull them down, and kind of kicked them down to my calves and asked if he would put them on the chair with the rest of my clothes. He paused for a moment and I could sense some hesitation, but he still grabbed them and did it. I didn’t even mean for it to be in a teasing way, but I was just so relaxed that it was my first instinct. Looking back I guess it was a little bit of teasing though.
He did such a good job though of working my glutes with full access, and also got my hip even more open then the first time. I got fairly turned on again during the front of body portion, but kept it together better than the first time.
This is getting really long, so I think I’ll leave it here and right another part soon about the third and then most recent fourth time I saw him . Sorry this isn’t very sexual yet – but the next one will be more so!