My first erotic story (long) (outdoor) (fantasy) (bdsm) (oral) (anal)

**In the Back Garden**

I was outside in the back garden when the most amazing thing happened to me. I was on my hands and knees plating flowers around the new shed when I felt a familiar set of hands on my back. I started to stand up raising up on my knees when he whispered, “Be still.” in my ear. I was intrigued so I sat there on my knees with the sun kissing my bare shoulders and the wind blowing my hair around my face. That’s when I felt it. The rope he was placing around my ankles. I was scared. I tried to rise. He placed one hand firmly on the back of my neck and in a soft rough tone said, “Trust me”. And I did.

He finished securing the rope around my ankles and then started working to secure my shaking hands behind my back, stopping only once to kiss my neck. I was trembling all over, I don’t know anymore if it was out of fear or excitement. But I remember liking the way I felt in that moment, and all the moments to follow.