Taking Detours: How I [F] [45] did a character study of a man by fucking him in his car. [MF]

The title serves less as a title and more as a summary. I know. The title sucks balls. Just like me. But this is not about one of those rants about my degree of slutiness, nope. This is about an incident that took place a few years ago, which cemented in my head about how far I had gone in my tryst with success.

I’m a wife, a mother and a whore. These are the three phases of my life. A loving wife who can do no wrong, a sweet mother who will do everything right, and a dirty whore who can be as shameless as the harlot under the bridge. And when all of these merge, that is where you either lose your sanity or you revel in your insanity.

Tasting young blood: My [F45] first experience with a younger man [M 29] [MF]

A little glance at my profile will tell you three things about me: One, I’m a married woman who is quite a family woman with a doting husband, a loving daughter. Two, I’m a workaholic, career oriented woman who is just ambitious as any other person in the room. Three, I’m a total and complete whore. I use my body to be successful, and if people call me a slut and dumb, I don’t mind it, I wear it as a badge. But, of course, all of this is done in complete secrecy. Between closed doors and shamelessly loud moans.

Most of the men who has got me in closed chambers and have seen me naked are men around my age or older than me. Moreover, I never had a fixation for young men in general. It felt natural for me to spread my legs for men who are in the same age bracket as I’m. But that changed when I met a smart, young, ambitious man who was both politically adept and emotionally mature. He wasn’t the usual arrogant, entitled men I have met a gazillion times. He had a sense of old world charm to him. But it wasn’t just his ability to charm a woman- who is more than a decade older than him- that I was smitten by, but by his looks. He was tall, fair, and quite a good looking fellow. He had strong arms and a chiselled face, and clearly a ripped body. Now, I’m not a huge fan of men with chiselled bodies, but when the man ticks all the other options, this one becomes a bonus.

How I Became A Corporate Whore (FINAL PART Part 3) [MF]

You can read Part 1 here:


You can read Part 2 here:


After the events in Part 2 of the series, where I was deepthroated and had his cum splattered all over my face, I immersed myself in work, spending very little time with my family. I couldn’t bear to look at my husband or my daughter. I could see his accusatory gaze following me every time I looked in their eyes. I could see my husband fuming at what I have done and my daughter turning away from me disappointed at me. And I cried. Every night after my husband has gone off to sleep, I’d go to the washroom and cry.

After a few tear-soaked nights of my trysts of emancipation, I realized that I had crossed the threshold of no-return. And that there was no point of crying over spilled milk. Both figuratively and the one he spilled on my face. I had willingly, explicitly agreed to sleep with my boss and I had already sucked him off. There was no question of going back now. I had chosen the road of darkness and desires, and I had abandoned light. I could now only keep walking into the darkness until it becomes me. Until the sweetness and tenderness of my smile gets replaced with lust-filled wetness of a wanton woman’s whorish smile before she licks her lips, inviting men into her bed.

My birthday surprise turned into a practical lesson on BDSM-lite 101[MF]

I’ve [F, 45] divided the post into two, the ‘preface’ and ‘the night’ to give a clarity of what transpired on my birthday night. The preface is about the events that led to the night. Although the title says BDSM, it was just akin to dipping a toe in the pool of BDSM, so anyone who feels this is not very BDSMy, please bear with me. The territory is still very virgin for us. :D


So, this is as an update to my NSFW AMA and confession I had posted 10 days ago on the eve of my 45th birthday. I’m from India I’ve a fairly high sex drive, and fortunately so does my husband. But because we live with our daughter, mother-in-law and dog, it’s impossible to make a go without being very discreet. So, we almost always wait until it’s 12.30 or 1 AM to be certain that we wouldn’t have an embarrassing morning-after.

So, unsurprisingly, my husband planned to have a very sexual rendezvous on my birthday (after I ‘gifted’ him several kink-filled impromptu sex in the week that led to the day.). I was asked not to come to the bedroom until it’s 1AM. So, because I couldn’t hold the excitement (classic me), I did a NSFW AMA about the whole scenario, which left me dripping wet.

I undertook my third Slutty Challenge and decided to be my husband’s personal bitch. Literally. [MF]

For the uninitiated, I’m a 44 year old woman from India, living with my husband, my daughter and my mother-in-law, and it’s my birthday day after tomorrow. So, I’ve been giving myself a few dares and challenges to up the ante of my inner sluthood.

Two nights ago, I decided to do something I had never done before, and something, had it not been for a decision taken on a whim, would have never attempted it. My husband has his video conferences till late at night, which makes me either go to bed early or frustrated waiting up late for him to turn up just that he could pump himself between my legs. That night too was no different. He came to our bedroom at around 1.30AM, a little tired and a little sleepy from the day’s work. But when he looked at me, his jaws dropped. Literally.

The past few days I have been surprising him pleasantly consistently and have managed to stir an animal in him. But none of it prepared him for what was in store for him. I was on my fours on the side of the bed, wearing nothing but a sexy lacy bra and thongs, and as he closed the door while not breaking eye contact with me, I crawled towards him on my four.

When my (F 44) Temple-visit turned into a slut-venture [MF]

This happened a few years ago–when I was in my late 30s. This account is one of the few things I still feel guilty of.

It was around the time when I was suffering from a mental breakdown owing to work pressure and emotional pangs of attack. As a woman whose life steeped deeply into matters of religion and spiritualism, it didn’t take long before my colleagues and my family suggested me to take some time off and devote to acts of spiritualism. Of course, a more scientifically inclined man reading this would have said consulting a psychologist or a therapist would help better, and I second that person. However, the emotional scar I faced was to do with a miscarriage I had. It was an accidental pregnancy, but the sense of motherhood being snatched away from you, accidental or planned, is painful, and therapy had no scope in alleviating the pain. So, I submitted myself to the many Gods of my religion.

[MF] Undertook my second Slutty Challenge by sucking my husband in the afternoon when the entire house was abuzz with activity.

I’m 44 year old woman living happily with her husband, a daughter and mother-in-law in India.

Now for starters, I have a very active sex life, but I have been trying to raise the bar by doing things out of ordinary. My husband and I almost always have sex past midnight, so that our nocturne activities aren’t detected by the radar of the house. It is safe, it’s secure and it’s very ‘family friendly’. However, off late I have been feeling the itch to make it more spicy. Blame it on the monotony of being stuck at home for the past several months.

So, yesterday (12/11) I decided to do something I have never done. Post lunch, my husband was talking to my mother-in-law as they often do, talking and discussing about politics and family, when I, uncharacteristically, called him to ‘help me’. Now, what you need to know is the dynamics in our family. The four of us are very close with each other, and when someone is talking to other, they don’t get dragged out of the conversation without explaining why they are being done so– even if it is the wife doing to her husband. In fact, when I said, I need some help, my sweet mother-in-law thought it is something she could help. Believe me, I was both happy and guilty for literally snatching her son when they were having a lovely chat.

How I Became A Corporate Whore (Part 2) [MF]

You can read Part 1 here:


That night I couldn’t sleep. Lying beside my husband, deep asleep, his hand limply laid around my breasts, I stared at the ceiling, seeing all that happened that evening as if in a movie. The way I offered myself to my boss, the way he fucked me with his eyes alone, the way I let him objectify me, the way I allowed his hands to slither inside my panties, the way he kissed me, the way I moaned as he sucked my nipples, and the way I writhed against his body as his fingers strummed my pussy. But most of all, how easily I let him have me. All for what? For position? For politics? For money?

Yes, career was important for me. It always has been. But so was my family; my loyalty; my principles. As I argued and shamed myself for slipping momentarily, I realized just as I realized I was falling asleep that I had gone over these thoughts thousand times over, and although my answer had never been clear, but a muddled one, I knew how what I’d later.

Whoring myself out on my daughter’s birthday [MF]

(I’ve already posted this on other sub, but some of my friends asked me to post it here, hence this post. If it is not allowed or is in poor taste, I’ll delete it. Thought I should let you know.)

For the uninitiated, I’m now a 44 year old mom from India and enjoy a a very loving relationship with my husband. To my daughter I’m the perfect mother, and to my husband, an ideal wife, but I’m far from being perfect. I’ve slept my way to climb the corporate ladder, and have become increasingly shameless about it.

This incident happened on my daughter’s 12th birthday. We usually keep celebrations very private, and prefer to enjoy our family’s company more than opening the door of our house to our friends and friends of friends. But upon my daughter’s insistence, my husband and I threw a party in her honor. We decided to keep things both fun, personal and use that time to catch up with friends.

Chronicles of a Corporate Whore- Part 1 (Emancipation of one Pure Queen.) [MF]

(I’m F44, India. A wife, a mother and a corporate whore. This post was born out of a conversation with a fellow Redditor who insisted on talking about how I became who I’m now. At first I thought of writing it as it was. But everyone in this sub is doing it already. So, I decided to tweak the narrative a little and make it something else. Be warned it’s long. So, if you just want to know what happened, I’ve included a plain version in the comments.)

Long long ago, in a distant land where flowers bloomed, birds chirped and sun shined, there lived a king and a queen. Their kingdom was small, gold was less and loans aplenty, but despite those few thunderclouds that loomed above their heads, the king and the queen were happy. They were content and so in love. Soon, they had a cute baby, a beautiful princess,

They believed in the power of education and so both the king and the queen learnt and mastered their discipline, determined to use it for the good of humanity. While the king dabbled in matters of elements of the world and set his life aside to discover the secrets of the universe in pursuit of academic excellence, the queen learnt of the ways of governance and joined a group of elite magii to do good to the world.