One moment, one opportunity, and I captured it. [M/F]

Excuse the shitty Eminem title, if you didn’t get it then probably best. Here’s another story of long distance travel but I promise to keep it short.

So one of my best friends was seeing a girl from England (We live in Scotland) having a long distance type of thing, silly. One weekend her and her best friend come up so they can finally shag, I don’t know.

So a group of us decide go out, the happy couple, her best friend and my friend were sending nudes so they’re kinda together so we go up and meet them at their hotel and on meeting this girl I realise “SHIT, she is more suited for me by a mile” with the dyed hair, tattoos, music everything.

Have a few drinks, everyone has fun and now we are heading out. Half way down the hall the best friend forgot her key card so she runs back and asks me to wait for her. Everyone else keeps walking on their way out for a quick smoke.

Over 4000 miles, I hope it was worth it. [M/F]


A quick premise to the story. 3 years ago my long term girlfriend breaks up with me and well that sucked a lot. The worst of it was I was finally opening my eyes to the world of sex, wanting new experiences, feeling confident I could actually make a girl cum now. I work nightshift so it’s already kinda lonely and the only people I talk to are online and from the USA (I’m from UK) because of my unusual sleep pattern and that’s where Courtney comes into the story. A fellow ammeter Youtuber who just had the perfect face and everything. Like you see a girl and immediately think “that’s my type, her!”. Also my erection was fond of her because she has breats on the larger side and did love flaunting it. A winner in my book. But I figured a girl like that must have guys creeping on her all the time so I thought I’ll play it smart, avoid anything sexual so I seem like a nice guy. Fast forward several weeks and we’re really hitting it off but keeping it all SFW even though in the back of my mind all I can think about is getting a handful of those huge tits and just fuck her still she has trouble walking straight. As lady luck would have it Courtney is a bit of a traveller and vlogs her journey and you’ll never guess where she is going next? UK.