Catching up with a high school crush – Part 3 [MF]

This is the last part of a love affair with an old crush from high school. You can read [Part 1]( and [Part 2]( This happened about a month ago. Hope you enjoy it.

Emily reluctantly left my hotel and we agreed we’d meet up again while I was still around. I hoped next time would be with no clothes.

I was busy all of the next day with work meetings and hardly had a break to stop and eat lunch. I saw I had a message from Emily.

“Last night was fun. Are you free tonight?”

“Depends. What do you have in mind?”

“My husband is out of town, the kids are spending the night at a friend’s house. Wanna come over and get some more of this?” Attached was a close up picture of her glistening pussy, with her fingers deep inside and her wedding ring front and center.

“Oh god, I can’t wait to bury my face in that.”

“Come get it,” she responded with her address.

It was very difficult to focus on the remaining work meetings. I couldn’t get the picture out of my mind, probably because I snuck views at it every chance I got. The day crawled but finally the workday wrapped up.

Catching up with a high school crush – Part 2 [MF]

This is the second part of a love affair with an old crush from high school. You can read part one here: [Part 1]( This happened about a month ago. Hope you enjoy it.

“You’re bad” she texted back. A few minutes later, she texted “Maybe… 🤭”

The rest of the party was a bit of a blur. I was mainly thinking about Emily and her tight little body. Around midnight, I Ubered back to my hotel. I was grateful that my company upgraded my room to an upper level room with an incredible view of the bay.

About half an hour later, she texted, “I’m here, but I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be nervous, just come on up. Room 2120”

A few minutes later, I heard a faint tap at the door. I opened the door to see her standing there looking a little sheepish. I grabbed her hand and said, “Come on, I have something to show you.” We walked over to the balcony that overlooked the San Diego bay. The night lights reflected on the water and made for a beautiful scene.

Catching up with a high school crush – Part 1 [MF]

This is the first part of a love affair with an old crush from high school, and this part is more gonemild. This happened about a month ago. Hope you enjoy it.

I had the opportunity to travel back to my home town of San Diego for a work trip. It was frankly a welcomed week away from home, because I primarily work from home. I let David, my friend from San Diego, know that I would be flying in, upon which he let me know about a party going on that night. There were some old friends who would be there too, so kind of a mini-reunion of friends from high school. Good friends were difficult to come by in high school, although I don’t think that has changed much since.

I arrived at the party around 8 PM that night after a quick freshening up back at my hotel. Warm shouts of greetings from friends I haven’t seen in a decade or more welcomed me in. I made my rounds, always with a drink in hand, catching up and answering the same trite questions repeatedly. “How the hell are you?” “Where do you live now?” “What do you do for a living?” I enjoyed catching up with old friends, and making a few new ones.