Pt 1 –
Pt 2:
A day or two had past since the previous story with Katie. Similar to Melissa, Katie also acted extremely casual about the situation and would talk about it openly in front of our friends. She made jokes about how I was the good friend that they would all just have casual sex with when they were single moving forward. I didn’t put up a huge fight when she said that.
Our group of friends was larger than the people in these stories, but the 4 of us were definitely at the core and hung out nearly every day. Eileen was the only girl that had not tried anything with me other than flirting here and there.
As I mentioned in a previous story, Eileen wasn’t the type of girl I’d pursue, but she was hot. If you remember the Mitsubishi Eclipse car commercial from like 10 years ago with the dancing girl that Dave Chappelle made a parody of, that was basically Eileen’s vibe. She had an incredible body and an over-the-top outgoing personality. She was known for being the most promiscuous of the group and didn’t give a single fuck what anyone thought about that. She was known to be wild and amazing in bed by her own account, and others.