The time a group of (m)y (f)emale friends used me over the course of a week. [MF] [MF] [MF] Part 3. The finale!

Pt 1 –

Pt 2:

A day or two had past since the previous story with Katie. Similar to Melissa, Katie also acted extremely casual about the situation and would talk about it openly in front of our friends. She made jokes about how I was the good friend that they would all just have casual sex with when they were single moving forward. I didn’t put up a huge fight when she said that.

Our group of friends was larger than the people in these stories, but the 4 of us were definitely at the core and hung out nearly every day. Eileen was the only girl that had not tried anything with me other than flirting here and there.

As I mentioned in a previous story, Eileen wasn’t the type of girl I’d pursue, but she was hot. If you remember the Mitsubishi Eclipse car commercial from like 10 years ago with the dancing girl that Dave Chappelle made a parody of, that was basically Eileen’s vibe. She had an incredible body and an over-the-top outgoing personality. She was known for being the most promiscuous of the group and didn’t give a single fuck what anyone thought about that. She was known to be wild and amazing in bed by her own account, and others.

The time a group of (m)y (f)emale friends used me over the course of a week. [MF] [MF] [MF] Pt. 2!

Part 1 here:

After the fun night I had with Melissa and the shocking candor she had with Katie and Eileen, I was excited to find out what the following night had in store for us.

Well, to my disappointment… not a whole lot. Luckily, as I mentioned in the previous story, my parents were out of the country, so party at my house it was.

There was a group of 15-40 people in my town that I went to high school with who were down for any last minute party at the drop of a dime. Luckily between me and the girls, we pulled something together. I remember it being a pretty wild party. I was walking around the party with a camcorder (in the pre-cell phone camera days) and getting flashed a few times, along with some ridiculous jackass inspired antics such as friends using a taser on each other. 🤷🏼‍♂️

I had been thinking about the reaction Katie and Eileen had to Melissa talking about our night together. I think I drifted more towards Katie throughout the night since we had always been close friends due to our similar interests, plus, there was something about her eyes and the way she bit her lip that drove me wild. She had a mixture of innocence and extreme sexuality that had me at the edge of my seat.

The time a group of (m)y (f)emale friends used me over the course of a week. [MF] [MF] [MF]

Like many of my stories, this one takes place 15 years ago or so. I had a group of girls that I was close friends with who loved to party. I was in my early 20s and liked to keep the party going as well.

The group consisted of Melissa, who was the diva blonde girl who knew she had guys falling all over her. She was great to be friends with, but was probably a nightmare to date. I’m glad I stayed the former. She had done some modeling throughout her life, dressed in designer clothes, wore a little more makeup than I usually would have preferred for someone I was dating, but luckily, as a friend and party companion, none of that bothered me.

Next was Katie. Katie and Melissa were very much opposites. Katie was a pale, gorgeous, emo girl. She had dark hair, big blue eyes, and a great smile. She was always very sexual and loved music the way I did. Her and I had an on and off again relationship later in life, which I may write about at some point.

The best night of my youth [Group] [MFFF]

This particular story happened about 19 years ago, so the details are a little vague. I’ll do my best to recreate what happened. Feel free to skip to the good part below.

**Background**- When I was in 7th grade (not when the story takes place), my family moved from the east coast to the mid-west for work. It was only for a year, but I made some friends while I was out there. We ended up moving back to my home town the following year.

When I turned 18 and was about to finish high school, my father had a business trip out to the mid-west, near where we lived for that year. He asked if I wanted to join him since it would give me a chance to reconnect with my old friends. I jumped at the opportunity and started to plan my trip.

This story took place in the late 90’s when AOL was still a big deal. I, like many other teenagers, took to chat rooms to kill time and try to find some slutty girls to talk to. (A/S/L anyone?) I had found a local chatroom near the mid-west town I was visiting and started chatting with this girl Lora.

(M)y coworker’s (f)irst time at the strip club [MF] (part 2)

Part 1 here:

After the last experience with Dahlia, we messaged each other somewhat regularly and would talk about how hot that night was and how we wish we could experience it again. She would say things like that she regretted not coming back to my room and fucking me that night. Our next work event was a few months away, but I was already getting my hopes up about how it would play out.

We were in a different state and city from the last time, so I looked up the local strip clubs ahead of time, just in case that’s where things ended up again. I knew that it would be a day full of sitting around an office, followed by a work happy hour, then we were free to do whatever.

The day of the event comes and it plays out exactly like I expected. At the happy hour, Dahlia was being touchy and flirtatious as usual. She was making comments and dropping hints that she wanted to relive our previous experience. Her and I were socializing/networking, but I was getting impatient with wanting the happy hour to wrap up. I was drinking faster than I should have due to nerves and anticipation, which in hindsight I regret.

(M)y coworker’s (f)irst time at the strip club [MF]

My career involves a good amount of travel and entertaining. In one of my past companies, I had a Russian coworker named Dahlia. Dahlia is a smoking hot blonde girl, who prides herself on fitness, has great perky tits, and an ass that shows off how fit she is. She looks like Evan Rachel Wood in my opinion. Her thick Russian accent is the icing on the cake.

Quick description of myself. I am about 6’3”, slim but toned from lifting weights, and I always have some sort of stubble facial hair. People play the celebrity look alike game with me a lot. The most flattering one that I like to believe is the most accurate (even if it’s not) is Ryan Gosling.

When Dahlia first joined the team, we had a happy hour event and noticed she was a little flirty and touchy after a drink or two. I was surprised since I knew she was married. Her and I continued to have a good work relationship, but never more than that. She would call me for advice and I would see her at events here and there. She continued to be a little flirty, but I always just assumed that was her personality.

Another wild night with Jackie, while our good friend watched. [MF]

This is another story about a time with Jackie. You can find my previous story about her here: [](

Roughly 8-9 years had past from my previous story. Jackie and I were around 28 at this time. I was recently out of a 4 year relationship. Jackie had been with her boyfriend for a year or so, but recently found out that he had cheated on her while on a trip in Italy. She hadn’t left him yet, but was contemplating it. She was still a petite, skinny girl with great features, but not as extreme of an alt look.

Shortly after my previous story, when Jackie went away to college, I had become very close friends with her friend Caroline. Caroline wasn’t really my type, but was one of my favorite people in the world. She’s an olive skinned Italian girl that liked to drink and was absolutely hilarious. At the time of the story, Caroline was renting out the basement apartment of someone she knew. It had a single bedroom, a small living room area, little kitchen, and a bathroom. Very tiny place.

(M)y jealous (f)riend finally gets her way with my girl(f)riend [MFF]

(M)y jealous (f)riend finally got her way with my girl(f)riend (MFF)

This story takes place about 17 years ago. I had just graduated from high school and was going to a local community college for 2 years to save money and mature a little bit before going to live at the university where I ultimately got my degree.

Flash back to my senior year of high school. I had met Jackie a handful of times through mutual friends. She was the definition of alt girl in the early 2000s. Short and skinny pixie looking girl with hair that changed color and styles weekly. She had a few tattoos and piercings, which I was a big fan of. She was really short, had small perky tits, and a great round ass. She also lived for the party. She was always down to do something crazy.

After meeting Jackie a few times, she was just getting out of a relationship with a real piece of garbage dude. Her and I began hooking up and eventually started dating. I did well for myself back then, but couldn’t believe I was actually dating the cool, hot, alt chick that everyone loved to party with.