Within Reach [fsub][M][bd][voy]

Stick to the Plan
Lauren had always been into restraints. Ever since she was a little girl she has been fascinated with ropes, chains and later handcuffs. But not like this. Never like this. Now and again she had tied her wrists together or padlocked a chain around her ankles. But this was something bigger. This had a clear motive. Was she actually going to do it? Was she really going to tie herself down? The idea had been circling her head for a week. No matter what she did she just could not shake the idea of being bound. It was new and novel and… strangely arousing.

Door to the bedroom locked? Check.
Ankle ropes attached to the feet of the bed? Check.
Padlock by the headboard? Check.
Rope left over to tie the wrists? Check.

It was all very carefully planned. Lauren was going to lay down on her back on the bed. Then she would be able to tie her feet down, one at each foot of the bed. Finally she was going to tie her wrists together and use the padlock to secure her hands against the headboard. She had not been able to think of a means to escape, so she left the key in the padlock. Would not want to get stuck.

Living Arrangements – Part 1 [str8][m][F]

After days of packing and unpacking, Oliver had finally settled in. It had been impossible to find an apartment close enough to college, but luckily some friends of the family had helped him out. The Brindleys, Oliver's benefactors, had always been good friends of his parents. It was like a second family to him. They would often spend summers and holidays together. Karen, their only daughter, had been like an older sister to him. She was a few years older than himself so she would teach him all kinds of secrets about life in general. It was mostly thanks to her that Oliver could stay in the new apartment. Karen had been living there since she started college, so her parents let her decide if she would share it with him. It was not a very big apartment. It had two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a small bathroom. But Oliver was not picky, all he needed was a bed to sleep in.

Bradbury Hill – Part 2 [M][f][str8][nc]

Peter woke the following morning from a pressure on his waist. He opened his eyes and found Jenny straddling his crotch. The morning light from the window refracted in her short hair and she smiled at him. He smiled back. Jenny was naked, and so was he. With her right hand she guided his dick into herself. It was gentle but passionate. Peter felt her warm pussy embracing his hard dick. What a way to wake up. Jennys breasts bobbed in up and down as she rode him. Soft skin met Peters hands as they traveled from her knees, along her legs, to her waist. He admired the beautiful face she was making as she tried her best to not to moan. They did not want anyone to hear what they were doing. Jenny started riding him faster and rougher. She even started rubbing her clit while she bounced up and down. This kind of beauty was new to Peter. All he wanted to do was to give her the pleasure that he felt she deserved. With a hand by her neck, he pulled her toward himself and gave her a deep kiss. Her eyes were closed. “I'm…” Jenny was panting “I'm so close.” They met in another kiss, one that lasted an eternity. With their lips pressed hard against each other, Jenny started convulsing. Peter held her tight and kissed her even tighter. He wanted to share in her euphoria. The shaking stopped and they were both exhausted. Jenny let her heads rest against Peters chest. Her breath felt cool against his sweaty skin. “You didn't cum, did you?” asked Jenny and looked up at him. Peter smiled and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. “It doesn't matter.” he replied. “Oh come on. I'll make it up to you.” Without a seconds hesitation, Jenny kissed her way from his chest, over his stomach, to his crotch. Even though she had just had an orgasm, she was still playful. She wanted to tease him. Her lips traveled from his bellybutton, to the base of his shaft, then to his right thigh. She licked his balls just a little, just to make them tingle. “Mmhm. Please!” Peter exclaimed. Jenny giggled. But she took the hint and wrapped her warm lips around his dick. Her own pussy juice rubbed of it and onto her lips as she pushed herself onto it. This blowjob was different than the one from yesterday. This time it was more playful and heartfelt. Jenny would use her tongue to play with his foreskin and the head of his dick. She traced the contours of his member. It did not take long before Peter was ready. “I'm close.” he enlightened her. She looked up at him, as if she was accepting a challenge. Slowly and with force, she pushed herself deeper and deeper onto his dick. Her lips covered half his dick, then three quarters and then almost all of it before she gagged. She held it there. The sensation was incredible. Even if Peter would have wanted, there was no way he could hold back. But just as he was going to give in, he noticed a figure by the door. It was Jennys sister Judy. For a split second their eyes met, then she was gone. 'Shit!' he thought to himself. 'She knows everything'. But this thought did not stop him from exploding in Jennys mouth. She gagged as the warm sticky cum shot down her throat. Unable to keep it in, she let it drip out onto his crotch. But all Peter could think of was Judy. Her long blond hair, her stern look and the look of judgment on her face. Jenny got out of bed and put her bra and panties on. “I better sneak into my room before the others wake up.” she said and sneaked out of the room. Peter did have the heart to tell her what he had seen. Instead he just fell back into bed and waited for breakfast.

Bradbury Hill – Part 1 [M][f][oral]

Bradbury Manor, the sign on the gate read. The gate guarded a long, winding driveway with small trees on either side. The driveway lead to a large wooden house at the top of a hill. It was an old house. All alone at the top of the hill, surrounded by the forest below, it looked like a it had emerged from mother nature herself. Far from the rest of the population, far from the buzzing city, this place felt stuck in a time long forgotten.

Kylies Godo boy[Fdom][Msub][inc]

She stood before me, blocking the doorway. It was hard to tell if she was doing it on purpose or not. I looked up at her. ”What?” she asked, teasing me. I smiled. ”Can you let me through?” I asked her, bowing my head. Usually I would just tell anyone in my way to move. But she made me feel like I had to ask. ”Hmm, I don't know. What's the password?” she replied with a grin. It was so childish, yet so evocative. ”Pretty please?” I tried. ”Good boy.” She laughed and turned to the side with her left arm extended as a gesture of free passage. A jolt shot through me. Those word. Coming from her, they meant something far different from what they used to. Her body still occupied half the doorway, so I would have to squeeze through. Too embaressed to face her, I turned the other way. I could feel her crotch rub against my ass and her breast rub aganst my back. The words 'Good boy' echoed in my head. I finally made it through. ”Hey Dan!” she exclaimed. I turned around sheepishly. ”Yes, Kylie?” I replied, way too quickly. ”Don't forget the password.” She turned around triumphantly, I shamefully. There was something strange about her. I should't say strange, more like incredible. If anything I am the one who is strange. For years she has had a certain power over me. I am drawn to her, and have been for as long as I can remember. But not in a constant way, like someone you are into. Instead these feelings seem to blossom whenever she is around, and wither when she leaves. It is not sexual appeal or love. Maybe it is both. Whatever it is, it has been there ever since she used to watch me as a kid. As far as relatives go, my mothers younger sister was the only one who live close enough to help out.

Breaking in a pornstar – Part 5 [Mdom][Fsub][inc][str8]

Gisele woke up in a warm, cozy bed. It felt like she had been asleep for days. At first her arousal made it hard to relax, but her Masters comforting presence made her forget all about it. She turned to her right to embrace him. But he wasn't there. She sat up and looked around, but found evidence of his existance. Gisele got out of bed, put on a pair of pink panties and opened the bedroom door. She walked down the stairs into the hall, still no sign of her Master.

The preparations for the day were complete, all he had to do was to wait for Gisele to wake up. John took a sip of coffee before looking at his wristwatch. Ten to nine, still early. He took another sip of coffee. Suddenly he could hear the sound of light steps against floorboards coming from the stairs. A final sip of coffee left the mug empty. Perfect timing.

Breaking in a pornstar – Part 4 [Mdom][Fsub][bdsm][str8]

I would love some feedback, or suggestions on where to take this next.

John looked at his phone. It had been three days since their last play session. Maybe it was time. He unlocked the phone and found Gisele among his contacts. "Can I come over? -J" a short, simple text. He clicked send. A few moments later his phone vibrated with a response. "Yes sir." was all it said. John smiled to himself as he got in his car. It was only the second time he had ever driven to her place, but it felt very familiar.

Gisele hadn't even gotten out of bed when she got Johns text. She had been looking forward to sleeping in, but the text changed everything. Suddenly she wanted nothing more than to get up and get ready. "Shit! I need to shower." the thought to herself as she replied to his text. She got out of bed and rushed to the shower. He would be there in just a few minutes, so she had to make it quick.

Breaking in a pornstar – Part 3 [Mdom][Fsub]bdsm][str8]

Part 3 is here. I'd really like some feedback.

Gisele looked down at her phone a third time. She couldn't believe her eyes. 'Can I come over?' the text read. What was she going to reply? She couldn't tell him no. Gisele took a deep breath and started tapping on the phone. 'I am at your service sir. You can come over anytime you like.' she replied to his text. "Who was that?" a friendly voice called out as Gisele returned to the livingroom. "It's probably her secret loooover." another voice chimed in. The two girls sitting in the couch laughed together. "Oh.. it was… it was nothing." Gisele replied to her friends. "Oooh keeping secrets are we?" the first girl teased her. "Stop it Stacey!" Gisele gave her a sharp look. The two girls laughed again.

John slammed the car door shut and put his keys in the ignition. The car engine started roaring as he put pressure on the gas. After being put into gear, the car started rolling. John was excited. He had waited for this moment for almost a week. He had spent all last night going over all the rules that he would have her agree to. She would finally belong to him.

Breaking in a pornstar – Part 2 [Mdom][Fsub][bdsm][str8]

Gisele took a deep breath. "Meet me at the motel at 8. Same room." She repeated the message in her head. Just hearing his voice had made her excited beyond control. She started walking again. This time faster. "037, 038, 039, 040" she read the signs to herself. Here it is, 041. Gisele put a hand on the doorhandle and a sudden wave of panic struck her. "What are you doing?" she asked herself. She took another deep breath and opened the door slowly. "Hello?" her voice called out. The door was half open. "Erm, it's me." She was hope for an answer, but got none. The room showed no signs of life, except for a small box on the bed. Gisele took her jacket off and hung it by the door. She closed the door and walked over to the bed. The box was matte black with a red ribbon tied around it, like a present. Gisele looked at her clock. 8.03. This must be part of his plan. She untied the ribbon and opened the box. Inside was a blindfold, a vibrator and a small piece of paper. "Put the blindfold on, get on your knees, open your mouth and don't stop playing with yourself until I get back." Giseles heart started beating faster and she started shivering. She obeyed the note by putting the blindfold on and kneeling down on the floor. The rug was soft against her knees as she spread her legs wide. Gisele unzipped her jeans just enough to be able to squeeze the vibrator down to her pussy. A jolt of arousal shot through her body as she turned to vibrator to max. The remaining order was impossible not to follow. Her mouth opened instictivly as the first of many deep breaths left her lips.