Breaking in a pornstar – Part 2 [Mdom][Fsub][bdsm][str8]

Gisele took a deep breath. "Meet me at the motel at 8. Same room." She repeated the message in her head. Just hearing his voice had made her excited beyond control. She started walking again. This time faster. "037, 038, 039, 040" she read the signs to herself. Here it is, 041. Gisele put a hand on the doorhandle and a sudden wave of panic struck her. "What are you doing?" she asked herself. She took another deep breath and opened the door slowly. "Hello?" her voice called out. The door was half open. "Erm, it's me." She was hope for an answer, but got none. The room showed no signs of life, except for a small box on the bed. Gisele took her jacket off and hung it by the door. She closed the door and walked over to the bed. The box was matte black with a red ribbon tied around it, like a present. Gisele looked at her clock. 8.03. This must be part of his plan. She untied the ribbon and opened the box. Inside was a blindfold, a vibrator and a small piece of paper. "Put the blindfold on, get on your knees, open your mouth and don't stop playing with yourself until I get back." Giseles heart started beating faster and she started shivering. She obeyed the note by putting the blindfold on and kneeling down on the floor. The rug was soft against her knees as she spread her legs wide. Gisele unzipped her jeans just enough to be able to squeeze the vibrator down to her pussy. A jolt of arousal shot through her body as she turned to vibrator to max. The remaining order was impossible not to follow. Her mouth opened instictivly as the first of many deep breaths left her lips.

"039, 040, 041". John was ready. He looked down at his watch. 8.24. She should have gotten a good headstart by now. With a hand on the doorhandle, he opened the door quietly. There she was. Kneeling on the floor in a pool of her own juices. The expression on her face was of pure excitement. It seemed like she enjoyed not knowing if she was being watched or not. The uncertainty was about to be undone. John slipped out of his shoes, exposing his socks to the soft rug. Quietly, he walked over to Gisele. Just inches from her face, he unzipped his jeans and pulled his dick out. Giseles panting had made it impossible for her to notice that he was there. John took firm grip of the base of his dick and thrusted forward. Her wet lips brushed against the head of his dick before it entered her moist, open, mouth. Gisele jumped, surprised by his presence. She wanted to pull her head back as her gag reflexes were triggered by his dick being pushed further down her throat. But John had a firm grip of her hair, and wouldn't let her. Instead she raised her hands to his knees and tried to push him away. John pulled his dick out. "Don't stop playing with yourself." His voice was as firm as his grip. Gisele forced herself to give up what little control she have, and let her hands fall down to her pussy. With a loose grip of the vibrator she started playing with herself again. Johns dick slid in and out of her mouth, pushing her limits. He wanted to see her gag. With his right hand he push her head toward him and with his hips he slowly thrusted in the other direction. Half of his dick was inside her, two thirds, nine tenths. With a final thrust he could feel her chin against his balls. He stopped. His dick was firmly held in place at the base of her throat. How long will it take before she breaks? John wanted to witness her desperation, so he pulled the blindfold off of her. He was not disappointed. Gisele look up at him, eyes watering. Her eyes were practically screaming out, begging him to stop. Just a little bit longer. Her started rolling back. There it is, John thought. Gisele dropped the vibrator, raised her hands to his knees and pushed with all her strength. John let go of her hair and pulled out. Strings of saliva were hanging between his dick and her mouth.

Now that he knew her breaking point, it was time to an unreasonable standard. This is not something he would normally do, but Gisele was different. She craved rejection, and she would do anything meet his expectations. Going easy on her would make her lose interest. John slapped her face. "Didn't I tell you not to stop playing with yourself?" Gisele coughed. "I… I'm sorry." she replied. "You will be." John walked around her and sat down on the bed. "Get on my lap." he demanded. She looked up at him for a second, confused, then look down at the floor. Her waist weighed heavy on his lap as she bent over him, exposing her ass. "Pull your jeans down." he commanded. She obeyed, revealing a pair of soaking wet blue panties. "When we begin, I want you to count every spank out loud." Gisele was quiet. "Understood?" he slapped her left ass cheek. "AHH! Yes! Yes." she replied, with renewed attention. Another slap, this time to her right ass cheek, harder. "Yes what?" he demanded. "AAHH! Yes! Yes… sir." she managed. "Good. Now we can begin." John pressed down on her lower back with his left hand, and raised his right hand. The first spank landed on Giseles left cheek. "ONE!" she cried out. "TWO!" The second one just as hard as the first. "THREE!" His hand was leaving a red mark on her ass. "FOUR!" He could hear her shivering. "FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIIGHT, AAHH!" Five spanks in quick succesion was too much for her. "What was that?" John asked facetiously. "Nine, sir. Nine." Gisele took the chance to catch her breath. "Only six more to go. Are you ready?" Before she had a chance to reply, John continued spanking her. "TEN, ELEVEN, TWELVE, THIRTEEN." He paused, letting her catch her breath again. "FOURTEEN, sir." "FIFTEEN, sir." "Good girl." John caressed her chin with his left hand. "Do you know why I punished you?" he spoke in a soft voice. "Because… because I disobeyed you, sir." she replied. "Good girl."

John helped her get off his lap and onto the bed. He stood up and admired the possibilites. Gisele were kneeling on the floor with her legs spread and her upper body lying on the bed. Weary from the spanking, she let her face press against the covers. John took his jeans and boxers off. Before throwing them on the floor, he removed his belt from the jeans. "Put your hands behind your back." She obeyed. John kneeled down behind her and used the belt to tie her hands tightly together. Gisele could feel the cold leather against her wrists and immediately tried to fight it, but to no avail. She tried backing up, but was met with Johns awaiting groin. Her wet pussy pressed up against his dick. John picked the vibrator up from the floor and put it between her pussy and the bed. He pressed down on the lower back so that she had no choice but to enjoy the vibrations. Instantly, she started moaning. It was time for him to break down the last barrier. With one hand John guided his dick to her asshole. He rubbed the head of his dick against the flinching muscle. "NO! PLEASE!" Gisele cried out. Without moving his dick, John leaned forward, resting the weight of his body on hers. With his mouth next to her ear, he whispered: "You wanted this." "No. Please. Please don't." she whimpered back. With all his weight on her, she couldn't move an inch. John slowly started thrusting. His dick, still wet with saliva, pressed against her clenching asshole. He pushed harder. Against her whishes, the tip of his dick slid inside her. "AAHHH!" she cried out. John could feel the vibrations coming from the vibrator pressing against her pussy. He thrust forward again. "AAAAH!" she cried out again. Half of his dick was now inside her. He gave her just enough time to recover. Final thrust. Her ass swallow his entire dick. "AHH! AHHH!" She burried her face in the covers. John could feel her asshole squeezing his dick in a desperate attempt to close. He slowly pulled his dick all the way out of her.

John grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. "Do you want this or not?" he enquired. Gisele took a deep breath. "Please… fuck… my ass." she replied reluctantly. Perfect. He had done it. John thrust forward again, this time pushing his entire all the way in her ass in one go. "AAaahh!" she was starting to relax, knowing there was nothing she could do. "Aaaaah!" The sensation of a dick in her ass and a vibrator on her pussy was starting to get to her. Being pressed down onto the vibrator meant she had no were to go, and it made the vibrations much more intense. John could feel her asshole starting to relax, so he picked up the speed. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" she cried out with every thrust. Now more from pleasure than pain. John could feel her legs muscles tensing up, then her back muscles. She clinched her fists, grabbing the covers. He knew what was coming, but he wasn't prepared for what came next. "Sir! May I… may I cum sir?" she screamed. Surprised by this sign of submission, John felt a jolt of pleasure shoot down his entire body. "Beg me!" he demanded. "PLEASE! PLEASE SIR! MAY I PLEASE CUM FOR YOU SIR?" she pleaded frantically. It was too much for him. "Yes you may." he thrusted into her. "Cum for me, whore!" He could feel her entire body tense up, and then finally, start shaking violently. Her ass was desperately contracting around his dick while her pussy was squirting juice onto the bed. All he could hear was her muffled scream into the covers. It was too much for him. With a final thrust he started shooting his load into her ass. It was the most amazing orgasm he had ever had. Every thrust was like a new orgasm, one that filled her ass with warm sticky cum. John had do his best not to collapse on top of her. He pulled his dick out of her ass and shoot a final string of cum on her left cheek. Gisele pulled her head back and gasped for air. "Aaaaah!" she cried out, reveling in her orgasm. John took a step back and discovered the soaking wet bed covers. She had even dripped down onto the rug.

He returned to her and pulled the vibrator out from under her. While she was still shivering from the orgasm, he untied her hands. Without saying a word he put his boxers and jeans back on and walked over to the door. "Same time tomorrow." he said and closed the door behind him, leaving her confused and exhausted.


1 comment

  1. Hey, me again. I hate to harp on the same problem I found with part 1. Yet, Gisele doesn’t really fit the pornstar character. She acts like a pornstar would if she were on film, not as if it were real life. Unless, of course, you pull an M.night. Shamalan and this is all some sort of alternate reality fetish for john. Also, the sentence length should vary. Some short sentences mixed with longer Sentences. A fellow user gave me the same advice and I really took it to heart. A mixed length of sentences really create pacing, atmosphere, and affects the mood of the writing.

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