The time I fucked my best friends mom. [M] [F]

I was in my late twenties. I pretty much lived with my best friend at his mom’s house. She wasn’t gorgeous, but she was in her own way sexy. She was small in stature and thick like a mom , big titties big ass and thighs. Fried dyed blonde hair. She was very motherly always getting on us for the outlandish shit we’d say, like watch your mouth kind of shit. Always asking if we were hungry and stuff. I didn’t even think of her like that. His dad died a few years before and he and his mom ran a bar that had been in the family for a few generations.

When an employee sacrificed her ass to save her job. [MF]

Some years back I was the second in command at a call center. We had been running a lot of hours on a survey campaign. We needed people to work. This girl who worked for us like 5x was known for being an utter train wreck. She was gorgeous, not my type necessarily looks and body wise but I couldn’t deny that she was a looker. I typically like curvier , thick type women, I find that smaller girls cum the second they see a cock and can’t really take much of a pounding. But the fact that she was a mess really turned me on.

She was short and petite with long straight brown hair and eyes that matched. Aside from the crazed dog look in her eyes her best feature was her ass that was phat for her frame. She would call off constantly. Wild stories explaining her myriad of absences. It became a joke like she called off cause she was battling the death star or had to fight a group of ninjas while climbing a mountain of broken glass.
I’d reprimand her but I never fired her because she was too cute and a flirt. She’d ask for my help and make me call for her while she would swipe through nudes on her phone so I could see.

Living the dream. Fulfilling [M]y hot teacher [F]antasy years later.

Ms. S was the hottest teacher I ever had. I grew up in the 80s and 90s where all teachers looked like Mrs Garrett from facts of Life. Small Town school, we didn’t get new teachers ever. So I was seriously lacking of adolescent pre pubescent spank material from the teacher aisle. Van Halen was full of shit. And then, there was high school.

Freshman year came. My friends and I speculated on how the hot girls from middle would blossom and placed wagers on which Ally sheedy would go from morose unattractive weird chick to hottie from 8th to the big show. We even dared to dream that there may be a hot teacher and………there was.

The ti[M]e the neighbors called the cops because they thought I was beating my g[F] but we were just having wild sex.

Before I came into my own as a collector of wild vagina’s I landed a perfect 10. She was only the 3rd girl I ever fucked in what would become a long list. We worked at a call center. Her name started with D and she looked like Cameron Diaz, like exactly like Cameron Diaz except for D had purple hair. I was in film school and me and my buddies were always fucking around making movies. Anyway the half edited footage was at my buddies house and he and his girl were friends with D and they showed her. She thought it was brilliant or whatever. So one night we had a liquor night. Basically a party where we got all the highest proof alcoholic ingredients for long island ice teas. We would have people over because we didn’t drink and just watch how stupid they acted and film the shenanigans. It was at this party she professed her lust towards me. She was so drunk though and I was relatively inexperienced and I didn’t want to nail a ten on a technicality. So I didn’t take advantage. Which made her like me even more. So the next night we consummated and she did things I thought only girls in porns did. Her pussy was shaved too which was edgy back in the 90s before everyone started doing it.

A [F]ormer GFs sister tried to force [M]e to “put a baby in her”

So I’m a pig. I was known for a long time as the guy who would fuck your girl. Or if I was messing with a girl I would try to fuck their friends or family members.
I was dating this girl like 15 years ago. I say dating because she took a liking to me and I needed a place to stay. There wasn’t anything wrong with Melanie persay, I just wasn’t at a place in my life where I wanted to be exclusive with anyone. But she wouldn’t take no for an answer. Thinking back on it I was a huge asshole, she paid for everything and kept me fed and clothed and would stop by the costume shop every week on the way home from work to grab an outfit to roleplay with me. She was short brown hair and matching eyes. Petite build and had her shit together.

[MF] my first edging experience. Which was a revenge bj.

A long time ago in a valley far far away. I had a brief affair with an acquaintance’s gf. We parted ways. But every time we ended up working together or ran into each other we would hook up for sex. Anyway I had just started a relationship and me and her ran into each other again. We hooked up. One night I got off work early and she asked me to stop by because her and her friend were drinking and she wanted to have some fun.

As it turns out her friend and my new gf had a feud in h.s. and my gf had apparently taken her bf. She mentioned it to my ap when I came up in conversation. The plan that night was to have a 3-some as revenge for h.s. transgressions. However by the time I got away the “friend” had passed out in a drunken stouper. A few days later she found me on FB. She messaged me and apologized. We hit it off though. Talking for hours every day. She would send nudes we would sext etc. She lured me with Vicodin one night. So instead of playing cards with my friends I went to her place.

[MF] the time a dare led to me being stalked by a stripper.

So in my mid twenties as I’ve stated before I was a bit wild and really got around. For years I worked at call centers because the pay was decent and you basically didn’t do anything. At a few different centers I worked with this girl named (Brooklyn) I’ll use her stripper monicker to protect her real identity as this story gets pretty raw.

Anyway she was blonde, glasses, had the nerdy wholesome look. She was a bit skinny but with the right amount of meat on her bones. She had decent sized tits where you could tell they were present even in a sweater. She was really dumb but friendly and save for the wild dog look in her bright blue eyes you’d have no idea there was a drug addicted cock addicted demon lurking beneath the surface.

[MF] broad daylight blow job in grocery store parking lot.

So I had been having an affair with my buddies old lady for some time. I was also in a relationship, to be fair I tried to fend her off for weeks until i couldn’t fight her off any more.

She worked a few blocks away and would text me all day. Often times with dirty pictures or illicit content. We would typically meet up for lunch or I’d ride her home. 9 x out of 10 it would be a blow job. But occasionally I had to fuck her to keep her on the line.

One late summer afternoon she asked for a ride home. I’d pick her up in a safe place where no one would see and she’d get in. We’d talk for a bit. Then she’d inevitably ask if I was gonna give her my cock. Which would lead to us finding a suitable place for the festivities. Which ranged from car washes, to parking garages, to playgrounds, to her apartment etc.
We made it to her neighborhood and she didn’t ask so I drove to her place. And before getting out she said “did I make you mad or something?” I replied that she hadn’t. She said “why didn’t you give me your cum?” So I put the car in gear and started driving. She said we had to be quick because she had to be home when her kids got off the bus. So I whipped the Buick into the Kroger and parked.

My ex gf and i had a threesome with her stepsister [M] [F] [F]

Again a story from my 20s. I had been dating a girl for a couple of years. We will call her Dee. We had a very passionate relationship and she was super clingy and being a scorpio she was very sexual. In fact it led to problems later in the relationship because she had a knack for dressing up before we had sex every time to the point where when we would make out and she was in her scrubs id ask her to put something on and sge would get mad.

Anyway being very passionate we also fought good bit. We lived together from the beginning and “broke up” several times. Even though we never actually broke up it was just said in anger. After one particularly heated exchange we broke up and i said “good now we can have a threesome.” Just to make her mad as she was murderously jealous and I wanted her to feel inadequate.

Fucked my supervisor while her cop husband watched [MF]

[MF] In my mid 20s i was a bit of a man whore. I worked at a call center. If you know anything about call center work it’s filled with The dregs of society. Anyway I was pretty popular there (not exactly sure what that says about me) lol. I had a bit of a reputation as a bad boy, not criminal or anything just always breaking rules flagrantly and saying and doing outlandish shit. So I was pretty popular with the morally repugnant females that work at call centers. Anyway this woman from day shift got promoted to supervisor for our night shift program.

She was tall, blond, and always dressed suggestively, yet professional. She had a slutty Martha Stewart vibe going on and was like 15 years older than me. So night 1 i started taking liberties. Smoking every half hour or so putting through shady sales and making dirty jokes loudly or directly to her. After weeks of this she finally just did as all my other bosses did and just let me do whatever i wanted. In fact she would smoke with me every half hour and make dirty jokes back. But i never really thought about it. She was older, married , well off and out of my league. So i chalked it up to playful flirting.