[MF] It Feels Like the First Time

This took place the year I got divorce. Her name was Jenny and she was the first person I dated after the split. Just as a heads up this tale has a lot of dialogue included. There will be three parts to this tale. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day.

A friend of mine had just opened a new restaurant and bar. I had started spending several evenings there each week. This got me out of the house. I needed a change after spending the initial weeks post-divorce drunk on my couch.

On Thursdays the bar side had live music. I wasn’t really in the mood but one of my roommate’s pushed the issue. I relented, if I didn’t, I’d be up there later anyway to drive him home.

The only person more social than me was my old roommate Charles. That man needed to be socialized more than most dogs. I was sitting at the bar chatting up the bartenders when Charles tapped me on the shoulder.

C: Hey, so I’m talking to this woman. You up for wingmaning?

M: Sure, I’ll cover you man.

[MF] Summer With A Friend Part 4

Before I start with Part 4, I’d like to say thank you to everyone that has read, commented, voted (good or bad) as I’ve post each part. I had no clue my sexual past would hit a cord with so many people. Its been shocking and appreciated. Thank you for reading and I hope this has been as enjoyable for you as it has been for me.

If you missed the first three parts you can find them here: [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ll6hvc/mf_summer_with_a_friend_part_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lluoqi/mf_summer_with_a_friend_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), and [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lmwzzk/mf_summer_with_a_friend_part_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


I left off in part 3 with the two of us talking. By the time she left for her place that night I was in a much better place. We’d talked, I’d had time to process and just the time together had helped me settle down.

I didn’t feel dirty anymore, but I didn’t feel wholly clean either. There was a part of me that wanted her all to myself. I knew that wasn’t going to happen and even if it was, I don’t think I could live with the consequences.

[MF] Summer with a Friend Part 3

Welcome back for Part 3 of my Summer With a Friend Series of posts. You can find the first two parts here: [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ll6hvc/mf_summer_with_a_friend_part_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lluoqi/mf_summer_with_a_friend_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).

When we left off, I had just dropped her off at her place and headed to mine. That was a road trip for the record books. I was on cloud nine.


The next day classes started back to session. I was done before noon. Who schedules classes at 7:30am during the summer?

I got back to the apartment and cleaned up. My roommate had thrown a party right before I got back, and it was a mess. Lunch and cleanup killed the rest of my day until she arrived.

I hadn’t seen her bikini in weeks and it never ceased to amaze. I let her in, and she headed to the pool. I still needed to clean up a bit. My hope was she’d stick around for a while.

I headed out to the pool in my suit, towel in hand. She was already laid out tanning her back. Now that certain barriers had been broken, she’d pulled her bottoms up exposing her cheeks.

[MF] Summer with a Friend Part 2

Thank you for reading [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ll6hvc/mf_summer_with_a_friend_part_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).

The second part of this story picks up on our way back to school. Break was two weeks, of which I worked both. The only conversation we had was coordinating our leave time and if she needed more space for hauling. Otherwise it was radio silence.

I had the AC blasting when I picked her up to head back to school. I wasn’t trying to freeze her out or anything. I was just hoping she wouldn’t see me sweating on my side of the car. I was a giant ball of nerves.

She settled into her seat and we headed out. As was our norm, once we were on the highway, she adjusted her position and grabbed a book. This is when I took notice of what she was wearing.

It was a cute little sundress. Roughly knee length, with a plunging neckline. She looked great as always and the cold air made her lack of a bra readily apparent.

S: Could you turn the AC down. If you hadn’t already noticed, I’m a little cold.

M: *blushing* Oh, sorry, I was sweating from getting everything loaded.

[MF] Summer with a Friend Part 1

I’ve submitted five (5) stories now and four (4) have been college related. The next tale also happened in college and out of everything I have posted before, is the only one I regret and still feel bad about to this day. Let’s see if this exorcises that demon.

The summer after my second year in college I convinced my parents to let me go to summer school. I found a job locally to help pay for my expenses. An older friend of mine needed a summer roommate as his was going to be gone until the fall.

The timing couldn’t have been better. The rent was cheap, I only had to cover half of his normal roommate’s portion. The room came furnished, being as the other roommate was only gone a few months it didn’t make sense for him to take everything with him.

This was the end unit I mentioned in, Missed it by that much. Once the sun went down, we had the pool to ourselves. Matter of fact, the pool was our patio. That could be annoying during the day, but at night, it was great.

[MF] My Wife’s Best Friend

This next experience happened this past summer. I mentioned in comments for a previous story that I haven’t brushed the lifestyle in a long time. I do not consider this to be in that arena.

It was the summer of Corona and like many my world was upside down. I was working from home with a house full of crazy. Two kids with nothing to do and a wife working as many or more hours than me. Luckily, we were able to do 90% form home.

My wife asked if she could spend an evening with her best friend. They hadn’t seen each other since before quarantine had started and her bestie was in rough shape. I couldn’t really say no, it was her bestie.

I had munchkin duty for her night out. When she got home, she downloaded everything on me. My wife needed my help with the amount of stress and strain her friend was feeling.

The next morning my wife brought it up again. I could tell she was worried about her friend’s wellbeing. We talked off and on all day between kids and work activities.

[MFF] Missed it by that much

This happened while I was in college with a woman, I’d been dating for close to two years at the time. We had some friends we hung out with a lot, a single guy and single girl. He was into her, but she was not into him. Thankfully, it didn’t have a negative impact on the fun we had as a group.

The girlfriend and I lived together in a small one-bedroom apartment that was part of a small complex. Next to it, was the pool that was fenced in and attached to the end unit of one of the apartment rows. It was technically closed after dark and locked up, but a good friend of mine lived in the apartment that was directly connected to the pool.

Our friends were over one night and as usual we had been drinking. It was a hot summer evening, so we decided to go swimming, this really wasn’t uncommon. However, this night we ended up skinny dipping.

My buddy spent most of the evening across the pool from the three of us. As the drinking continued so did the fun and games. Eventually, truth or dare happened.

[MF] Massage Therapy

This took place before my brush with the lifestyle. This memory resurfaced because of a vivid dream I had. It was a memory and experience that I had almost forgotten.

I was in a car wreck during the fall of my third year in college. My shoulder, neck and back were in bad shape. The Ortho I went to recommended I go to physical therapy, most of the damage was soft tissue. When I met with the physical therapist, he recommended massage, stimulation and physical work 3 days a week. I met my massage therapist on day 1, we were both the same age 20. She was cute and I was in pain.

The first week the schedule was massage, stim and workout. This ended up being a problem. The massage helped, the stim numbed me but, but the physical therapy left me in agony. I spoke with my doctor and we mixed it up. Now we went stim, work and then the massage. The results were almost immediate.

Luckily for me, my massage therapist only dealt with older people at the clinic. By the time my third week of sessions arrived we had developed great chemistry. She knew what I needed and her being a single mom and dealing only with older people needed a social outlet.

[MF] Paid in Full

If you have any feedback on my writing or writing style please drop it in the comments. I’d like to improve my writing and I need your help to do that.

This particular memory is a slow burn.


A lot of college students dream about having a super senior year. I had two, even though one was a lot of work.

By this point, digital technology had started to catch up. Digital cameras still weren’t cheap, but the quality was much better. Webcams were now up to 1.3MP and internet speeds were no longer an issue.

My last year I only had senior design classes and filler. This left me with a lot of free time in a small town. Outside of the occasional party or gameday there wasn’t a ton going on.

My digital friend had tipped me off to a new site. My first ever cam site. It was mostly forums, chat rooms and some cams.

It took me a while to find my place. Each room had different rules and personalities. I hopped, lurked and watched as a free member until I found a place to call home.

[mF][cuck] My First Lifestyle Experience

Early in college I found a free voyeur website. Once I had my first debit card, I signed up for the hardcore version of their site. My first ever official porn subscription.

Being a young, dumb and full of vigor I spent most of my free time perusing the picture. I eventually built up the nerve to joining the forums and simple chat room. Webcams weren’t yet a thing, let alone multiple browsing windows.

In time I found my place. A polite SWM, in good shape with a great personality. the site evolved and grew as did the overall community. I made a lot of digital acquaintances.

Fast forward a few years and I had becomes a regular forum poster and chat room personality. Content creation was difficult at that time. I’m pretty sure my digital camera ran on coal.

I had started to break through a few of the single male barriers in the lifestyle world. It was huge but I was terrified.

One of the couples I got to know from chat and the forums introduced me to their preferred lifestyle website. Being a single male I ran in to a lot of barriers there but in time via chat and posting again I was able to make a few friends.