The Golden Era in Miami Part 1 [MF]

Been a while dear reader. This tale of debauchery happed many moons ago, on a work trip.

I had a mid-morning flight and with my ever growing status got to board early. I grabbed a window with the intent to nap on the way down. Some guy grabbed the isle seat. As the plane was filling up this beautiful young woman came down the aisle. I’ll be direct, we were headed to Miami, there were several gorgeous women on this flight.

She was looking for a spot when the flight attendant, stopped her.

FA: All we have are middles left, why don’t you sit next two these two handsome gentlemen. She fucking winked at me. (The real hero of this story is that flight attendant dear reader)

Her name was L. She was a med student at the University of Miami. Not pre-med, full on med school. She was studying to become a neurologist. Initially she put her head phones in and tuned out the world.

Takeoff was rather rough. Apparently, L wasn’t a fan of flying and especially not of turbulence.

I was trying to get comfy when L grabbed my arm.

[MF] First time Glory Hole Fun

This happened while I was in college with a woman, I’d been dating for close to two years at the time. This is the same woman from [THIS]( story but happened before it.

We, the followers of this subreddit, have all heard the tales of Glory Holes since they came into existence. This isn’t a dear penthouse memory but a memory brought on by a conversation with a fellow redditor.

Like most kids in college, we had a rather active sex life. We’d also gone to the toy store a few times together and picked out a few items to play with. It was always a fun trip and during that time we’d gotten to know some of the people that worked there.

During one of our trips E asked me about the signs for the video rooms. If I’d ever been in them and what they were like. I’d peaked in them before but never spent any money to get off in them before. They were not cheap, and I couldn’t convince myself they were clean enough to do it.

[MF] My Reddit Hall Pass Part 6

Thank you for reading [Parts 1-5]( of this tale of debauchery. This is the final part of my time with Sara during our weekend of fun.

Once we stopped looking at all the naughty pictures and laughing about what we’d done with our new friends, we settled in to sleep. It had been a fun and interesting weekend but neither of us was looking forward to what was coming tomorrow. I giant dose of reality.

I woke in the morning the same as I did the day before. My morning glory resting comfortably between her ass cheeks with my arms wrapped around her. It was a marvelous feeling.

I let her rest and enjoyed the tranquility of the moment. I knew our breakfast would arrive soon and our day would need to begin. Sara woke to the sound of our breakfast being delivered again. This time however, she greeted the person and brought in the cart.

I did not notice it initially but when she turned to bring the cart in, her robe was not tied, and her breasts and bush were exposed to the world. If she ever came back to this facility, I am certain she would get a free upgrade to the Presidential Suite and have better service than anyone had ever had there.

[MF] My Reddit Hall Pass Part 5

Thank you for reading [Part 1-4]( of this tale of debauchery. There will only be one more part. I am really trying to control the length of each of these, so they aren’t too long. I would have liked to combine Parts 4 and 5 but the overall length would have been a major issue.

When Sara came back to the world, we were still snuggling naked in bed. Our fun day had taken a bit of a toll on us, but that wasn’t going to derail our evening. However, our plans did change a bit.

Instead of staying in for dinner and getting to our fun we decided to head down to the restaurant on the first floor. We took a quick…ish shower and then got dressed. Neither of us had brought anything fancy to wear, we’d planned to spend the evening in but after our afternoon snooze we needed to get out for a bit before playing.

Sara looked amazing as always. She’d put on a lovely floral dress with a plunging neckline. It buttoned in the front and had a fairly high cut to it. She was obviously not wearing a bra and I didn’t think she was wearing panties. Again, I could have sworn I’d seen it before but after todays pool adventure I was ready for anything.

[MF] My Reddit Hall Pass Part 4

Thank you for reading [Part 1](, [Part 2]( and [Part 3]( of this tale of debauchery.

Once Sara and I cleaned up we got nice and comfy in bed. That was it for that day sexually. We were both spent. However, it was time to discuss Saturday.

During our chats about that weekend we had decided Saturday was the day for the long play. We didn’t mean stay naked in the room and fuck all day. We were going to enjoy the day with the plan to play that afternoon/evening and enjoy room service in.

That was easier said that done now that we were together. We woke up spooning, my morning glory nestled between her lovely ass cheeks. One arm under her head and the other around her cupping a breast.

Willpower! I needed willpower. I wanted nothing more that to wake her by teasing her succulent nipples. I already had her breast cupped after all.

Luckily, I was saved by a knock at the door.

D: Room service!

I had scheduled our breakfast in an effort to keep us from oversleeping. Neither one of us wanted an alarm, but we also didn’t want to waste the day.

[MF] My Reddit Hall Pass Part 3

Thank you in advance for reading [Part 1]( and [Part 2]( of this tale of debauchery. When I left off, Sara and I were finishing up a fair amount of fun and headed to clean up before grabbing dinner.

I won’t bore you with the details of the shower. There was plenty of grab ass and “Oops I dropped the soap” but not sex. Just some cheeky fun and a lot of thorough cleaning.

After dinner we grabbed drinks and toured the facilities grounds. I’d never heard of this place before, but she apparently came here annually. It was fun just talking with her. Prior to this trip the only time I had hear her voice was in the videos she posted. This was a nice change.

Once we’d had our fill of nature, we gathered out things and headed back to the room. Having broken the barrier at this point we were much more controlled.

Once we got to our room Sara decided to put on a bit of a show. She sat me in a chair by the window and started a nice slow strip tease.

[MF] Reddit hall Pass Part 2

Welcome back for part 2 of this experience, if you missed it here is [PART 1]( I apologize for the long layoff. The last two weeks were rough and even though it’s a memory there is still a level of creativity required to make this something you would enjoy reading.

When I left off, Sara had just finished me with her mouth, and we were snuggling on the bed. I was in recovery from my orgasm.

I’m not exactly certain how long I lay there snuggled with Sara. I had finally relaxed as she’d wanted me too. That was an amazing orgasm.

M: Sara, that was amazing.

S: Thank you.

M: I think I need another minute or two, but I need you in my mouth.

I could feel the grin on her face. I got up and grabbed us both waters. Sara made sure to kiss me again before she had a drink. She knew I didn’t shy away from my taste.

Sara laid back on the bed and I took in the sight before me. I mentioned it before, the pics and videos did not do her justice. She is gorgeous. I mean, truly beautiful.

[MF] My Reddit Hall Pass Part 1

This next tale of fun came rather recently. After last summer, [My Wife’s Best Friend](, nothing had really changed initially. We didn’t become swingers, open our marriage and I never slept with her BF again.

All that said, we have been dealing with a bit of a dead bedroom situation for a while. It was the other major reason I was shocked she asked me to sleep with her friend. Again, nothing really changed but in August my wife asked to talk to me after the kids went to bed.

We talked about that night a lot and her feelings, my feelings and just where we were. I let her know where I stood. I wanted to be with my wife. She understood that and wanted the same thing with me, but she was struggling with her libido. I asked her to seek help, which she acknowledged, but moved on from it.

She then asked if I wanted another pass. I didn’t quite understand the question. So, she explained it to me. You the reader my know what she meant, but it took me a moment or two of stunned silence before it hit me.

[MF] Feels like the First Time Part 3

If this is the first entry you have found, here are the links for [Part 1]( and [Part 2]( This is the piece part to this memory. Thank you for reading and commenting.

M: Good morning

J: Good morning

M: How would you like you eggs?

J: Scrambled please. Oh, and do I smell bacon?

M: Yes ma’am. Would you like some coffee, milk or OJ?

J: Coffee.

M: After last night I’m going to need a lot of it.

J: Did they come back last night?

M: No, but Charles texted me her address. They’re there. I’ll take you over after breakfast if you want.

J: I’m sorry you have to do that.

M: It’s all good.

She just smiled as I handed her, her cup of coffee.

M: I know she’s your ride back to school but seeing as you won’t be leaving until tomorrow afternoon, you’re welcome to stay here. No strings attached. The guest room is made up and the pup would gladly keep you company.

J: Really? Is that ok?

[MF] Feels Like The First Time Part 2

Thanks for reading [Part 1]( If you haven’t yet, please do as this next part will make a LOT more sense. When I left off Jennifer had just dropped a bomb on me. This picks up with the continuation of that conversation and a lot more fun for you the reader. As always, thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.

J: Are you ok? Did I do something wrong?

M: I uh. I. No, you…you didn’t do anything wrong. Just a lot to process.

J: I’m sorry. I should go.

M: No! Stop, just give me a second. Booze, sex and virginity a lot to process before coffee.

J: Ok.

I stood back up, slowly.

M: Let’s start with me washing your back. Give me some time to think and process what you just said.

I grabbed the soap and the shower puff. *Don’t judge me!* I bathed her body and washed her hair. She in turn did the same for me. I had to help her a bit, she seemed to get stuck soaping a certain body part. While that felt good, I wasn’t really in the mental state to enjoy it.