Continued:Wager with a Coworker [FM][Cheating]

This is a follow-up to my previous story about Cassi:

Any hope of mature restraint was long gone. Political staffers are a crowd of professionals hopelessly fond of sleeping with coworkers. Now that Cassi had cheated on a popular elected up and comer with me I could not keep her off my mind. That kind of gratification is dangerously addictive. At that time Cassi wasn’t thoroughly invested in monogamy, but she was still frustrated she had put herself in an awkward position socially and professionally. I think she was also frustrated that the sex had been good and our volatile chemistry was definitely still a thing. I was trying to play it cool and not stoke the flames, but I really couldn’t help myself.

My attempts at communication with her resulted in a lot of harsh monosyllabic words and I only got past that when directly required by work. Being a hopeless smitten fool, I doubled down on work to get more time with her. I had mostly negative results and I became sloppy and obvious that I was trying to get as much time around her as I could. This was bad news as I attracted the attention of Andrea. Cassi was trouble, but only because she radiated sex and was completely comfortable using that to her advantage. I guess more correctly Cassi wasn’t trouble but she was routinely in trouble. Andrea was trouble. She was a pretty blonde, not a knockout, but she did have a sexy kick boxer’s body.

Wager with a Coworker [FM][Cheating]

Cassi was my X but there was always something undefinable there between us. We had met as staffers in the political scene. We worked for different parties, I was much more of a centrist than her but it was still a little weird we were so close. I had convinced her to move next door as a part of my long campaign to seduce her and it had worked but only briefly and secretly. While we were awful relationship material we had a very strong and effective professional relationship and unfortunately high levels of sexual chemistry. It never made stuff easy for me.

She had dumped me after cheating on me a couple of times and had ended up with a huge big shot. I was a mess for a while but had recovered, I had known what I was getting myself into. We were still forced to work with each other and see each other in passing often. We were trying to make the best of a bad decision.

This starts with a text from her out of the blue. I assumed it was work related and I was right. She was running a small and annoying event but had had a big opportunity come up, she needed someone reliable and competent to take over for her and had texted me.