[FM] I think I owe a bunch of people who stayed in a Vancouver hotel an apology

Okay, to begin, I’m using a throwaway to reduce the likelihood that I’d be found by people in my real life. But I am going to be specific-ish on details for the sole reason that this could maybe reach someone who deserves my apology. And for the rest of you, enjoy my slutty story…

It all started on a beautiful night in early-ish March (before the true threat of COVID collapsed our hopes and dreams) in Vancouver. I was travelling for work and spent the evening eating and drinking and being merry with work friends. As the night started winding down but my arousal levels started winding up, I was thrilled to receive a reply to meet up from this spicy guy I had been seeing off and on.

I met up with him and a few of his friends at a cocktail bar and I drank. a. lot. more. It was one of those social interactions where everything felt deep and meaningful but also completely nonsensical. I remember the music at the bar was smooth jazz-y and it was pretty crowded for a week night. Everyone was seriously enjoying themselves. Incidentally, it’s the last time since the public health emergency that I was with a bunch of gathering strangers. Oh boy, I would kill for that vibe right now.