Today was the day, Emily was determined to cum outside of her house. Just thinking about cumming where she wasn’t supposed to got her moist. She had thought of going to a movie and masturbating in the back of the theatre but she wasn’t sure that would be public enough. Next she thought about going to the mall and taking clothes into a change room, getting fully naked behind a curtain and cumming there. She had watch so many videos online of women doing that and always came herself while watching them. This was exciting but she didn’t think it was risky enough. Finally she thought she would go to the public library. She was sure she would be able to find a spot in there that would give her some privacy but was also somewhat in the public eye.
The next thing on her list was how she was going to get herself off. Would she bring her trusty rabbit? No, it would be too visible if someone walked by. She figured her remote control vibrating egg might just do there trick.