Smells Like Love: Dad’s Discovery (Part Two)

Heads up, this story exceeds Reddit’s character limit, so it has been broken up into two posts (this is the second part). Though I recommend you read the full story through the link below, as italics are used and will not be apparent in these Reddit posts.

[Smells Like Love: Dad’s Discovery](

Lily left to get cleaned up and I did the same. I made it downstairs first and, when my stomach growled, I decided that we needed burgers. I went to the patio and started up the grill and, when I went back inside to get the patties, found Lily chewing on an apple.

“Oh, I was just gonna make us some cheeseburgers,” I said, dejected to see her already eating.

“Perfect, I’m starving!” she replied emphatically. Relieved, I stepped forward, but she blocked my path. She stood on her toes, wrapped her arms around my neck, and kissed me on the cheek. “I love you, Dad.”

I’d heard those words from her a million times before, but it was different this time, and I understood her meaning instantly; she was still my loving daughter, and I her adoring father, we just had another level to our relationship now, an extra spice to our love.

Smells Like Love: Dad’s Discovery (Part One)

Heads up, this story exceeds Reddit’s character limit, so it has been broken up into two posts. Though I recommend you read the full story through the link below, as italics are used and will not be apparent in these Reddit posts.

[Smells Like Love: Dad’s Discovery](

A second after I entered the front door, I heard a door slam closed upstairs, causing me to pause for a moment. I knew it must be my daughter, Lily, since it was just us two living there and there were no cars in the driveway besides mine and hers, but the why of it was unknown. I contemplated it as I closed the door behind me and got settled.

The logical explanation was that she was naked, either while changing or masturbating; the former was more likely, but the latter was more intriguing. A lewd thought popped into my head for a fleeting instant–Lily nude, her pussy dripping as she rose from her bed and crossed her bedroom to close her door and hide her sexual gratification from her father’s eyes–but I pushed it out of my mind as quickly as it had arrived.

Mom and Son’s Bathroom Tryst

[Mom and Son’s Bathroom Tryst](

Baseball practice ended earlier than usual on account of the excessive heat, which was a huge relief for the entire team. I hitched a ride with a friend and sent a text to my dad saying that he didn’t have to pick me up. I didn’t have a car (which was a little embarrassing since I was one of just few a seniors who didn’t), so I took the bus to and from school, but practice ran later than the last round of buses, so on those days one of my parents would pick me up, usually my dad.

When I got home, I was pleased to find that my mom wasn’t home yet, so I had the house to myself. Normally, I would take advantage of my solitude by jerking off without headphones, but I was starving and, more importantly, in desperate need of a shower. I grabbed an apple to appease my stomach and devoured it as I went upstairs.