[M]e and my [F]riend Kim’s fucking each other’s brains out this afternoon

You all have already read our threesome with Bob in https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7knip4/my_fabulous_group_sex_with_my_freaking_gorgeous/ by now. Last night my Property Manager Kim called me out of the blue to let me know that she was coming over this afternoon to repair something around the house. I was waiting gof her for hours and then finally took off to a tavern for dinner. Not even 15 minutes later do I get a text asking me where I was. I called her 10 minutes later; she was inquiring me whether Happy Hour was still on, and commanded me to place an order for Whiskey. In the meantime, I found out later on from my roommate that she was wondering what bar did I go to.

She pulled in at 6:05pm; the shot of whiskey was already ready for consumption. I had 5 wings coming our way. She straddled the pinball machine and was cussing and kicking every time she lost. I was standing next to her when she was playing, enjoying myself rather than being upset. She didn’t even touch the wings, so I had to eat all of them. At 7pm we left together. We checked into Motel 6 and decided to take a “community shower”.

[M]y fabulous group sex with my [F]reaking gorgeous Propery Manager Kim and [M]y landlord Bob

It happened last week; I am 44 year old and the 48 year old Property Manager Kim, who knows full well that I have a crush on her, took me to a local tavern for lunch. After socializing there for a couple of hours and playing pinball machines, we headed to her boss’s residence. Bob, the owner of my dwelling spot as well as 6 or 7 other area properties is a man who has just turned 90, although most peeps wouldn’t put him above 70 or even 65; at his age he still does push ups every morning, plays golf and works physically fixing up and repairing some houses of his. I have already met him twice since I moved in in August, albeit I have never so far been to his own residence.