Watch What You Say [MF]

This isn’t so much a story of the sexiest time of my life, but I hope it makes it onto Saturday Night Live somewhere down the line. In my free time time I work as a music producer and this has led me to meet some very, well lets just say unique indivuals. One night over the pandemic a rapper I was working with at the time asked me to participate in a music video for a local rapper that I had previously worked with and as such I had to dress for the part. The concept of the music video featured a staged party with the ensemble cast progressively getting into more trouble over the course of the song. I showed up in a basketball jersey and sunglass, with my flowing blonde hair and expensive sneakers making me the ideal fraternity brother for the camera. One thing separates me your typical fraternity brother though. I am 5’2”, which by most definitions is fairly short. Now one thing any fraternity brother is an expert at is flirting with women at party, and boy did I. Each of the cast members separated off into their designated sections of the party, and I wound up next to a gorgeous brunette named Danielle with an ass to die for and a 5’10” figure that was very easy on the eyes. She was also socially off I guess? She would say things that might make one double take occasionally, and in thinking with my dick I never stood back and took this into account. In between takes I would chat her up, learning about where she was from and completing her outfit. She was dressed in yoga pants and a crop top, and very little was left to the imagination. I would instantly get half mast looking her ass as she danced during the shoot, and she’d smile back at me when the bass would kick in on the chorus. During the shoot the camera grew angry at the time the cast wasted in between them, but this only gave me more time alone with Danielle.