My First Blowjob

I was somewhat of a late bloomer. Sure I made out with a few girls in high school and got a total of 2 handjobs on a church trip, but as far as “going all the way” or even half way, not so much.

That changed my very first week of college.

Bek (short for Rebekah) was a beautiful and glowing girl, yes, but what was truly sexy and mesmerizing about her was her smile. She was so eager to live life to the fullest… and that spilled over into every aspect of life.

We met somewhat by accident. A friend of my roommate met her in class and invited her over with his own motives. Our entire group was music majors except for me – the lone engineer. Bek was an incredible singer and sat on our couch that first night strumming her guitar and belting out the most breathtaking ballads I’d ever heard.
She seemed so sweet and innocent and never uttered a single curse word, despite the carpet bombing of fucks and shits by everyone else. And she never… never… stopped smiling. I was intoxicated.