How I [M]et The Girl, Who Would Become the Mother o[f] My Daughter.

I have been wanting to add a story to this sub for a while now. The sub has become my main source of ‘inspiration’ for my late night auto-erotic escapades, and what remains of my sense of honor coerces me to give something back.
So I’ve decided to share what is possibly the craziest, and definitely the most defining of my sexual experiences. The story is extremely long, be warned, but I’ll try to make it worth your while, obviously.

I was a pretty late bloomer. The last among my friends to lose my virginity at 16, and I found my first girlfriend a couple months later after turning 17.
I had spent the last 6 years (yes, I discovered masturbation already at the age of 11) fantasising about what sex was going to be like, how much I wanted to experiment with it, what I felt I had to try at least once, and so on, but that first girl wasn’t exactly adventurous, to say the least. She wasn’t prude either, but it was evident that I wanted more than her. We stuck together for about a year, but at the end of it, I felt more caged than loved, as it became clearer and clearer that we simply weren’t in the same book, sexually.