“Full Coverage” – Caught Live on the Local News [FM, Exhibitionism, Public Embarrassment]

Hey everyone, this short story was commissioned a bit ago for someone interested in exhibitionism. Feel free to check out my other work at [http://morrenwrites.com/](http://morrenwrites.com/)


“Are you sure nobody can see us?” Katie peeked around the corner of the abandoned brick building as David loosened his belt. 

“Yeah, I told you, nobody comes this way since the construction started down the road. There’s nothing to worry about.” His voice was calm but authoritative, and she couldn’t help but stare when she turned to face him. The fluttering in her stomach was matched only by the heat coursing spreading slowly across her body as she took the sight of him in. His dark stubble gave contrast against his jawline, but her eyes were fixated lower.

“C’mon, I thought you were the ‘adventurous’ one?” She smiled at him and took a deep breath, checking the empty street one last time before nervously approaching him. David’s hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her in tight against his chest. The sun was just about to start setting as he kissed down her neck and smiled against her collarbone. 

Through Her Eyes Part One- Commissioned Erotica

Part Two can be found [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jjr12f/oc_through_her_eyes_part_two_commissioned_erotica/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

Hey folks, my name is Elliot and I’m an erotic author. This piece was commissioned by another Redditor and I’ve got slots open for November!

I have No Limits. You can ask me to write absolutely any story you’d like and can expect judgment-free, fully confidential work! I also provide free samples! If you don’t find the pieces on my profile satisfactory, please request a sample. I’m always happy to write up a short demo to ensure that my writing style works for you.

If you like the sound of this, please reach out to me! The best way to reach me is through email at [morrenwrites@gmail.com](mailto:morrenwrites@gmail.com) or through direct message on Reddit. Now without further Ado, please enjoy my story!


Felix heard the shower turn off as he searched through his closet for a more flattering shirt than the college sweatshirt he had worn all day. The old Bears logo had faded after thirteen years of the wash cycle and he was a bit embarrassed when he saw the stains in the mirror. He was holding up a maroon button-up shirt and a light blue blazer in the reflection when Lucy walked by his door wrapped in a towel. She sighed, shook her head, and walked into the room. After delving into his closet for a minute, she returned with a dark gray suit jacket.

Locked Up [Cuckold] [Commission]

Hey everybody, Elliot here. This is a commission that I wrote up for a client recently. If you’d like to commission a piece of your own, you’re in luck! I’m open for commissions and I am a 100% limitless author. You dream it up and I will write it for you. If you’re interested, you can message me on Reddit or at [morrenwrites@gmail.com](mailto:morrenwrites@gmail.com). Without further ado, please enjoy!


Andy walked down the hall toward Liz’s locker. His bag was heavier than usual today, as he had her anniversary present packed in with all of his books. He started planning it a few weeks before senior year started. He would take her to her favorite spot by the river after school and then he’d give her the glass sculpture that he found in a secondhand shop a few months ago. It was beautiful, if a little dusty at first. The figure was an ice skater who looked just like Liz in the middle of a pirouette. After she made it to the state competition last winter and he saw how happy it made her, he was sure that it was the perfect gift. When he rounded the corner into the North hall, he didn’t see her anywhere. Andy was a bit confused, as they always met here after class to walk to lunch together. He walked further down the hall and heard her distinct laugh. When he got to the end of the hall, Andy found Liz standing with Matt at his locker, her hand on his shoulder.

NO LIMIT Commissions – Let me write your fantasies into fiction!

Hey folks, my name is Elliot and I’m an erotic author. Why should you hire me to write that story you’ve always dreamed of finding?

I charge a low, but fair rate. All of my stories are done at a rate of 3 cents per word. I often give discounts for longer pieces though!

I’m dedicated to customers service. I will listen to every detail of your idea to ensure that the story you receive is everything you could have wanted.

My turnaround time is almost always less than a week, unless it’s longer than 5000 words. I try to keep it around one day per 1000 words.

I have No Limits. You can ask me to write absolutely any story you’d like and I won’t bat an eye. Expect judgement free, fully confidential work!

I provide free samples! If you don’t find the pieces on my profile satisfactory, please request a sample. I’m always happy to write up a short demo to ensure you that my writing style works for you.

If you like the sound of this, please reach out to me! The best way to reach me is through email at morrenwrites@gmail.com or through direct message on reddit. Thanks for reading!

The General’s Pet – CH 2, [OC, Pegging] [Penny, James Ironwood, Clover, Marrow] Commission

Here is the second chapter of my Commissioned RWBY NSFW story! If you like my writing and you want to commission a story of your own, you can reach me at [Morrenwrites@gmail.com](mailto:Morrenwrites@gmail.com). My commissions are open and I’d love to bring your ideas to life!

Without further ado, Enjoy!


The evening sun painted the General’s office with a warm, orange glow. James inspected his face in the reflection of a silver letter opener he had pulled from his desk. He ran his hand across the jagged beard of salt and pepper stubble, feeling the rough texture his face had adopted. Just then, the elevator at the opposite end of his office opened and two familiar faces stepped into the light.

“Clover, Marrow, come in”, the General said, a slight smile on his face. He placed the letter opener down onto his desk beside a small silver cartridge filled with glowing purple dust.

“What’s the mission, General?”, Clover said, balancing on the edge between jovial and serious. Stood beside Clover was Marrow, the faunus’ green eyes curious and focused.

“Relax, gentlemen. Penny should be arriving here shortly”, Ironwood replied.

The General’s Pet – Ch 1 [OC] [Pegging] [RWBY] [Commission]

Hey all, this is the first chapter of a commissioned story. If you like my writing and would like to commission your own story, DM me! Without further ado, Enjoy!


Her shoulders were tense- a symptom of the repairs she figured. Her eyes focused on her hand as she rotated her arm around in the elevator, which was nearly silent save for the faint whirring as the pulleys turned out of sight. Everything was always so perfect in this place; the walls of the elevator were shined to a near mirror finish and Penny could make out her shape and the vibrant color of her hair. The rising car began to slow as she approached the top floor. Still staring at her blurred visage, she placed her hand near her ear and slowly closed it into a fist. She was hoping to hear the moving parts that she, too, was made up of, but to no avail. Everything here was perfect. That’s how he liked it.