A View [M/F]

4:15. My phone buzzes. It’s you. I expect it’s just the usual question of making the 4:30 train. Not today. Too much work due tomorrow.

But the txt reads “Our Irish pub. 5pm. Sit at the bar. A Guinness marking your seat.”

“Okay…” I respond. I guess work will have to wait.

And then my work concentration is totally gone with your final txt: “Pretend you don’t know me.”

Forty-five minutes can feel like years apparently…

I arrive at 5pm on the dot. I paced a bit out front to kill time. Your txt said 5pm, it didn’t sound negotiable.

I see you at the bar as soon as I come in. You’re near the corner of the bar, your back to me and the entrance I just came through. A lone Guinness sits on the first seat around the corner from your right, on the quiet side of the bar that nobody ever sits at.

The seating is strategic. I can see you clearly. Our seats are close, in that nobody can sit between us. But we are separated by the corner of the bar, and both of us a foot or so down our separate sides. Not close enough to talk.

Leather [M/F]

“We’re actually closing…” she says, “but I’ve at least an hour of clean up work to do here before the weekend, so you can stay and shop if you like. But I do need to lock you in, and pull the blinds so nobody else tries to get in.”

“That would be great, thanks!” I say, “It was a bit of a last minute idea to come here…”

“No problem,” she says, “I’ll close out the cash last, so you can still buy stuff.”
We’re at a specialty sex shop called Backroom Leather, following an evening at the pub, and a discussion of exhibitionism and sexual fetishes. The latter topics led us here on a whim. We’ve browsed a bit already, and I’ve been trying to talk you into a fancy leather corset. Actually, there’s a lot you’d look good in. Way too much actually, but then we wander into the bondage clothing…

I pick out a… well, to be honest; I don’t know what it’s called. A leather bound bar that ties to both wrists, to hold your arms out during sex, except… the leather ties don’t seem long enough to go around your wrists. I stretch your arms out and position the bar across your back, trying to work out how the restraints would work…

A Show

I knew something was up as soon as I arrived.

We were meeting halfway, or thereabouts, between our cities. A night at a forest inn. You were planning on getting there before me, less traffic from your direction. I was to text you as soon as I’d parked.

“Leave your stuff in the car. Meet me in restaurant.” Came your reply, then shortly a second: “Reservation under “Eros”, text me when you’re seated.”

Once I’d worked out where the restaurant was, I asked the hostess for our reservation. She raised an eyebrow at the name, and then seated me at a private, candle-lit booth. I texted you, and a couple minutes later you made your entrance.

You were wearing a very sexy, very slinky black dress. So low cut that your black bra was half visible. Black nylons underneath. A rare move, I usually see you in more casual wear. Don’t get me wrong, you look great in anything (or nothing), but I love a “teasing” outfit. You’ve certainly out-dressed me, as I’m still in my driving clothes. But you don’t seem to mind.

Something was indeed up.

A View

4:15. My phone buzzes. It’s you. I expect it’s just the usual question of making the 4:30 train. Not today. Too much work due tomorrow.

But the txt reads “Our Irish pub. 5pm. Sit at the bar. A Guinness marking your seat.”

“Okay…” I respond. I guess work will have to wait.

And then my work concentration is totally gone with your final txt: “Pretend you don’t know me.”

Forty-five minutes can feel like years apparently…

I arrive at 5pm on the dot. I paced a bit out front to kill time. Your txt said 5pm, it didn’t sound negotiable.

I see you at the bar as soon as I come in. You’re near the corner of the bar, your back to me and the entrance I just came through. A lone Guinness sits on the first seat around the corner from your right, on the quiet side of the bar that nobody ever sits at.

The seating is strategic. I can see you clearly. Our seats are close, in that nobody can sit between us. But we are separated by the corner of the bar, and both of us a foot or so down our separate sides. Not close enough to talk.