The night I [M35] spent with my wife’s best friend [F34] Part Three [MF]

[Part One](

[Part Two](

In June 2021 the timeline fractured…. Again… It seems to be doing that a lot lately.
Time used to progress day by day, week by week, month by month. Then it was measured as Before Covid and Covid, days and weeks blurred together into the haze of cabin fever.
I’m not sure what role that played in the next fracture, but time was now measured as before Sara and after. I was waiting day by day week by week to find out if that was to be the new measure of time or if the new timeline and the old were destined to collide and what cataclysmic mess that may cause.

Following our initial debrief it was life as usual, we had dinners together, went hiking, watched movies. On the surface things were back to normal, but just below the surface lacing itself around everything I did, was the question of “what comes next?” It was always in the back of my mind. Would we somehow manage to continue this abnormal arrangement? Could our friendship still implode? It was certainly a possibility. Or maybe we could just continue as if nothing ever happened.

The night I [M35] spent with my wife’s best friend [F34] Part Two [MF] [Almost as Long]

If you haven’t read part one you should probably do that first.
[Part One](

I wrote the first part in June when the events took place, never with the intent of sharing it. I think I originally started writing as a way to get my thoughts out of my head in an organized way. In order to post I read the story through several times changing some of the details to mask peoples identities, and adding some background and descriptions where needed.

What I write from this time on, is from memories of events beginning almost 5 months ago. I expect the tone of future stories may come off slightly different looking back on them now as I am absolutely in a different headspace. And As with any memory, some details are burned into my mind forever but some are admittedly fuzzy. Hopefully I can do the story justice.