If you’re a straight guy, you need to hear this. Something happened over Christmas that’s so fucking hot it’s ridiculous, and I need to talk about it.

Hey! If you’re a straight guy reading this, it’s fine, I’m straight too. It’s just that something happened in my life these past holidays that I need to freak out with someone about. Please hear me out!

So I’m part of a small, but very close friend circle of two guys and two women (me being one of the two guys). One of the two women, S, I became very close friends with during high school, and myself and S met the other woman in the group, L, shortly after high school.

We were a close group of three friends for a little while, until we met the other guy in our group, Aidan.

We’re all in our late 20s-going-on-30s now, so it’s been a long time since then.

When we first met Aidan, we decided to bring him into our group because he basically had no other friends, and had always struggled to make friendships. Were it not for us, he would probably have struggled to find friends to this day.

Aidan is extremely shy and nerdy, and while the other three of us are pretty successful and have good careers, etc, he’s still struggling to get himself out there, and still lives with his parents.

I had my dick sucked by my four closest female friends on New Year’s Eve. I am losing my fucking mind and need to freak out about it with someone

So, let me start off by saying that my New Years Eve was nothing I could ever have anticipated. It was beyond imagination. I’m here telling this story simply because I cannot contain myself about it for even a moment, and I basically *need* to chat to someone about it who will freak out with me because, well, you’ll see…

I’m an incredibly shy, nerdy guy, and I’m not the most social or outgoing person you’ve ever met. I still live at home with my parents, and spend most of my days indoors playing video games. For a lot of my life, I did not have a close group of friends.

Shortly after high school, I did make some friends though. They were a very close group of friends of guys and girls, who had been friends all throughout their high school years, and I was very much a new addition, which made me very self-conscious, but they felt sorry for me not having any friends, and were kind enough to fully integrate me into their group.