Innocence and Submission [MF, Mdom, Fsub]

We met on a Wednesday, you had just started at the IT firm I worked at. I shook your hand, sure that I looked for all the world like deer caught in the headlights; mesmerized at your beauty. "Have a nice day," you said, as you were ushered to the next employee. Nice indeed! Just before you left the room, I saw you look at me and smile. Was I mistaken, or was that a naughty smile? Wishful thinking, surely.

I watched you over the course of the next few weeks and I became more and more certain that you were doing the same; sneaking a peek when you thought I wasn't looking. What I was even more certain of, was that your outfits were growing more, provocative. Even daring.

It became my goal, each morning, to catch the first glimpse of you, through my office window, before anyone else. I would peel away the blinds, like a lovesick boy opening a present. You liked me looking and took pleasure it exposing yourself to me, even if it was just the smallest part of what I truly wanted to see; all of it. That's what I wanted to believe, at least.