The Grayson Family: Part 3

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The Matriarch stands there with the other judges, all holding clipboards and various measuring instruments. “Aurora Grayson” she calls out. Although everyone shares the same last name, they include to signify the importance of their familial bond. Aurora walks up to the group and stands there with her arms out. The members then begin to measure her. “6 feet tall” one shouts out, “32c!” shouts another. After every measurement, the matriarch, takes notes. For the last one they hooked her breasts up to a mammary pump and pulled milk with one round of suction. “1.5 liters!” is yelled out. “Impressive, 0.2 liters up from your last measurement” the matriarchs states as she takes notes.

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The Grayson Family – Part 2

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Ashe finds himself in the shower. Although he did need some cleaning up for his inspection, the reality is he loves to hide in there when he is stressed. “What if I’m ineligible this year? Or even worse, what if I get selected for the new blood program and don’t get to ever participate?!” he thinks nervously to himself. “Well suppose it can’t go any worse than I imagine it will,” he mutters as he steps out of the shower. His member swinging from thigh to thigh, water splashing with each hit.

In the Manor’s ballroom, this years unpaired breeders and judges gather. The judges consist of the Matriarch, the lead breeder, and the most inbred member from each branch family.

*Note* – The branch family consist of members who have been selected for outbreeding. Any members of theirs can be chosen to be paired with any other family member. The main goal for a branch family is to have its lineage bred into the main family line. After this the branch family might stop existing entirely.

Inbreeding Tales – The Grayson Family

It is the 2936, and the world is a very different place. There have been no wars since “The Last One” in 2186, every human is homed, fed, and working. It’s truly the future that past dreamt to have. In this world most families have become intermixed. Names, cultures, and traditions constantly changing. There are a few family lines (legacy families) that have managed to survive the centuries. These are typically families with strong ties to religion, politics, or technology. Along with their shared wealth come their shared traditions. And no family has a more unique tradition than the Grayson Family.

The Grayson Family are the products of an experiment dating back to before The Last One. Their history is lost to the majority of the family, who willingly and eagerly participate in the family tradition… Inbreeding. Whatever experiments their ancestors were subjected has left them with the ability to breed and grow rapidly, combine and pass on whatever genetic traits they wish, and to occasionally have extended lives. Given their inherited ability and inherited fortune, the surviving generation after The Last One decided it would be best to keep their gifts to themselves. To secure this they decided to formally become The Grayson Family and subsequently formed The Grayson Estate.

Family Circle – Making the Perfect Daughter: Part 7


Family Circle – Making the Perfect Daughter: Part 6 from Erotica

… continued

The twins move closer to the house ever so slowly. They’re large breasts swaying side to side. They bend down as slowly peer upward as they approach a window. There is chatting inside. As their eyes raise above the ledge they see several figures. It appears to be several older women. “Who are these grandma’s?” They ask eachother.

“Surprised we went this long before this happened” said a voice standing behind the twins. Paralyzed with shock and fear they carefully turn around to a slender, yet beautiful woman standing behind them. She seemed to be about 50, stylish hair cut, ashy grey hair, and oddly familiar piercing green eyes. The girls stand up “uhhh, who are you” they ask “and who are they ?” Gesturing inside.

“We are the reason you two even exist.”

To be continued…

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Family Circle – Making the Perfect Daughter: Part 6

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Family Circle – Making the Perfect Daughter: Part 5 from Erotica


The professor runs some finals tests to ensure 15’s rapid pregnancy is beginning at a healthy rate. Meanwhile the twins have found their way to the facilities annex. This section was the original lab, where everything started. At least that’s what they were told. They were also told that this was mostly used for storage nowadays. But given the long periods of time the professor spent in there always caught their interest.

The main door to the annex is unusual compared to the others. Instead of a sleek modern look, composites and alon, it’s rugged and worn. Seems to just be a solid piece of some sort of oxidized metal and far older security lock on it. They look at eachother and nod in a agreement. They slide the key car and hear a heavy thud as it unlocks. They head inside and to their surprise they find what looks like the back door to a house. Perplexed they walk up to it and take a peak inside. And what they see certainly surprises them.

To be continued…

Categorized as Erotica