They Called Her Jack Ch 1

Whitechapel, London, September 30th, 1888.

Lily Hodgekins, though usually good at ignoring the people around her, listens in on the whispers as she sweeps up another broken glass.

“There’s been another murder.” “Torn to shreds, she was.” “I heard it was that woman, Eddowes.”

Catherine Eddowes. Lily knew her, not as a friend, but the woman had come into the pub where Lily worked now and then. She was always kind, and always in need of another drink or two before another john came to claim her. They had actually seen each other the night of the 29th, though nobody had any idea who had bought her for the evening. Lily did her best to tune out the gruesome details, though from what she did hear, she agreed that it sounded as if a monster had committed these acts. A demon, a monster. Not a man.

Categorized as Erotica

They Called Her Jack Ch.2 (FF) (NonCon)

For what felt like forever and only the blink of an eye, Lily seemed to be in a void, floating in a vast see of nothingness. She wasn’t afraid here, and she wasn’t in pain. She knew nothing of the outside world, and there was no sounds and no light. “Am i dead?” She thought to herself. If only.

“Wake up.”

The first thing she was aware of as she was pulled out of her void was the horrible throbbing in her head. She had quite the bump growing on the back of it from her repeated wall bashings, not to mention her extreme dehydration. “Nnngh…” Lily groaned, slowly regaining consciousness. Her wrists, which were chained and supporting her weight from the ceiling, were in a great deal of pain, along with her shoulders. Each one had it’s on chain, stretching her arms as far apart as they would go. Her toes were brushing the cold, damp stones beneath her. She was cold, too, wearing only the plain grey dress she had been working in. Lily opened her eyes, her sight taking a moment to adjust to the dim lighting, her cell only lit by a couple of candles. There was straw littering the floor, a large pile of it in the corner, and right in front of her was a bucket of sudsy water and a sponge.

They Called Her Jack (FF)

So this is the first chapter of a story I am writing. This chapter is mostly just an intro, nothing sexual yet. It’s going to have very dark sexual themes, so I’m a little bit weary posting it here. Chapter two will be up later today.

Whitechapel, London, September 30th, 1888.

Lily Hodgekins, though usually good at ignoring the people around her, listens in on the whispers as she sweeps up another broken glass. She worked in a popular bar, so she almost always heard news and gossip immediately. She was lucky to have this job, at 23 years old many other girls were turning to prostitution in order to survive. As of late, the news and gossip was extremely disturbing, and often times true.
“There’s been another murder.” “Torn to shreds, she was.” “I heard it was that woman, Eddowes.”

Catherine Eddowes. Lily knew her, not as a friend, but the woman had come into the pub where Lily worked now and then. She was always kind, and always in need of another drink or two before another john came to claim her. They had actually seen each other the night of the 29th, though nobody had any idea who had bought her for the evening. Lily did her best to tune out the gruesome details, though from what she did hear, she agreed that it sounded as if a monster had committed these acts. A demon, a monster. Not a man.