A View [F20s M30s] [female pleasure] [oral] [fingering] [public]

“We don’t know how we got so lucky. I was sure the observation deck wouldn’t even be open this late- it’s a weekday after all – but you insisted that we should at least check. ‘It’s just a block away,’ you said, ‘We might as well.’ I couldn’t argue. It’s not like we come to this part of the city often.

We held hands and hurried across the street from the restaurant, not bothering to find a crosswalk. There was nobody else in the plaza; the empty tables and benches painted a dreamlike scene, as if everyone had vanished in some cataclysmic event. We, the last humans on earth, strolled between circles of illumination cast by street lamps.

The lights inside the tower were off, but the automatic doors slid open when we approached. ‘Did they forget to lock them?’ I wondered out loud. We felt like kids out past our bedtime, alone in the wide, dark lobby. Our footsteps echoed on the bare marble as we searched for an elevator. You jerked my hand with surprise when we heard a noise down the hall. We held our breath, fighting the irrational urge to hide. A woman with gray-streaked hair rounded the corner pushing a cart loaded with custodial supplies. She looked as surprised to see us as we were to see her.

Morning Light, Part 2 [F20s M30s] [female pleasure] [gentle femdom] [switch]

“It’s late morning now. The curtains are drawn and clear sunlight illuminates the bedroom. We lay on top of the covers while I idly trace lines between your moles – your ‘beauty dots’ as you call them, the French way. Each dot I find adds a new angle to the abstract drawing. I wander around your contours, connecting your ribs, your belly button, beneath your breast. In fine detail I admire your silky skin and your soft curves.

‘You’re beautiful,’ I say.

At first you look surprised, caught off guard. You open your mouth, then close it. ‘Oh…’ you stammer, flustered. You look down. ‘Thank you.’

‘It’s just the truth.’ I lift your chin. Your big, brown eyes are full of affection and gentleness, but there’s also a faraway sadness in them. I kiss your forehead.

‘You’re too sweet,’ you say.

I kiss you again, this time on the lips, this time lingering.

Our eyes close.

We sigh.

Without warning I feel you grabbing the front of my boxer shorts. My eyes snap open and I see the corners of your mouth twitch upward. You do an adorably poor job trying to conceal your devious grin. Your fingers wrap around my semi-erect bulge and immediately my blood starts rushing, each heartbeat making me larger in your hand.

Morning Light, Part 1 [F20s M30s] [female pleasure] [gentle femdom] [oral] [fingering]

“Bright morning light streams in through the kitchen windows. Your dark, wavy hair, pulled back out of your face, catches some of the shine. Somewhere outside a bird is singing. Aside from this, the only sound is the occasional click of your fingers on your laptop keyboard. You’re intent on the screen, breaking focus periodically to take a sip of tea. Your serious, business-like demeanor is a stark contrast from your contented smile of yesterday evening as we lay on top of a grassy hill, your head on my chest, and watched golden clouds drift overhead.

I walk into the kitchen wearing only my boxers and put my empty mug in the sink. You don’t look up from your work. I come beside you, put a hand on your shoulder, and kiss your cheek. You take your deep brown eyes off the screen just long enough to give me a quick peck, then return to reading. I wonder, for a brief second, if I saw the faint lines of a concealed smile.