End of the Day (Part 2) [Masturbation] [Female Written] [In Public] [Spontaneous] [F/M]

Ethan loved the night shift. He loved his job. Some people might think working campus security for a tiny college in the middle of nowhere would suck, but he loved the guys he worked with and the community at the college. And on the weekend? That was the best. That’s when all the good, weird stuff happened. Watching the cameras was hilarious. He had a feeling tonight would be no different and he was ready to have a great shift.

He made his way into the security office and got the rundown for the night from the guy who he was taking over for. Ethan would be the only one on duty tonight, his partner called in sick. Not a big deal, with finals looming over the students’ heads it should be pretty low key. He settled in and started the normal scan. Nothing out of the ordinary. He started the usual paperwork and got into his comfortable routine.

End of the Day (Part 1) [Masturbation] [Female Written] [In Public]

It was Friday night and Lora was tired. When she thought about it, she realized it sounded ridiculous to say that working at a library was tiring. But working on campus at a college library during finals week was draining. The higher ups always added extra hours and since it was so close to the holidays there was an added layer of stress. The light at the end of the tunnel was that Christmas break would be here in a few days. A full two weeks of work-free bliss.

1:00 am finally rolled around and she made her final rounds through the stacks, making sure no students had fallen asleep in their books and no one had left any of the work spaces a complete mess. On autopilot she turned a corner and found two students in a dark corner. There was some pretty heavy petting going on and their soft moans stood out in the quietness of the library.

“Hey guys! Enough! God. Library’s closed. Take it to your room,” she said.