[MF] Adventures and Escapades with Canada Gal – Part 2

This is a continuation of the escapades with the girl I first met in Canada – – –

In the months that had passed since we were last together, she was asking me many questions about life in my hometown, the chances of getting a job, quality of life, the neighborhood I lived, if it was a good place to raise a family, if the schools were good, if I wanted to stay close to my hometown as I got older, etc. It truly made me think she was thinking of a permanent commitment with me.

And, after what seemed like forever, I was finally on my way to start our life with each other. Sure enough, as I entered the terminal, she was right there waiting (just like those months previously) and ran into my arms. What an amazing feeling to be with someone who had so much desire for me. It was nearly unbelievable. And nothing I had ever experienced before.

[MF] Adventures and Escapades with Canada Gal – Part 1

Been lurking here for a long time and enjoying reading many of the stories that have been posted. Thought I’d add one of my own now. I’ll most likely end up posting in a couple of parts. Hope it’s not a difficult read, but please bear with me as I’m not at all a professional writer in any sense of the imagination and English was one of my least favorite subjects in school.

This originally happened several years ago and left a very memorable impact on me. I was living in the U.S. at the time and often visited British Columbia, Canada as it wasn’t such a long drive for me. On this occasion I was in Vancouver for a short weekend visit and on Sunday, just before planning to leave I made what I had intended to be a quick stop at Granville Island, a popular place for tourists and locals alike.

Wasn’t paying attention where I was going and literally walked into this rather cute and somewhat exotic gal out shopping. I later discovered she had pretty significant mix of ethnicities – Spanish, Indian, Vietnamese, French and Philippines, among others. Her long straight hair was pulled into a ponytail out the back of her baseball cap. Something that, to this day, has always been an attraction for me. Anyway, I apologized profusely for bumping into her and we exchanged introductions and pleasantries.