First post. (MF) male perspective.

There is nothing worse than a full train on a rainy day. Windows steamed up, the body heat mixed with sodden clothes makes for an awful odour. I struggle being in packed environments as it is but this would usually irritate me even more so, but not today. Today I'm away in my own world, headphones in as I daydream about you, only about twenty minutes until I see you and yet here I am wishing and wanting. I guess that's the price you pay for complete lust and affection for someone.

My head bobs gently to the beat as my body is shifted by the carriage switching lanes, stopping abruptly at my platform. Even with my coat zipped up the bite of the winter wind is enough to hit me hard as soon as the door opens. A few paces out and it doesn't get any better, the deafening sound of the flash downpour overhead as it collides with the tin roofed shelter. The train moves on and the other passengers disperse down to the exit as I stand here, waiting for you to catch my eye and give me a destination.