Five Asian Neighbours

Five young Chinese live next door. Three girls and two guys. They are under 25, the boys are tall. They are all so cute.

One hot and somewhat humid Saturday afternoon, I was working in the garden and I saw them all arrive home. They went inside, shut the door, and all was quiet. It set me wondering what they were doing. just what was going on in there. My imagination ran riot:

They locked the door. It was all planned. The first three one by one, the last two together, they all took a cool shower. They towelled off their wet bodies and went into the bedroom with the king-sized bed, which was to hold all five of them.

Naked, freshly showered, and already showing signs of arousal, the first one from the shower and into the room, one of the boys, closed the curtains: to hold out the blinding afternoon sun, and keep things private. His penis (not enormous, but very stiff) was elevated from a beautiful, dense, black bush of pubic hair: the only place any hair seems to be on his body, besides his head.