[MF] That Time We Banged Right Next to Our Friends

To set the stage, it was about… Mmm, I’d say 3 ish years ago? I was 19, and my boyfriend at that time was 18 (he was 6 months or so younger than me, but I digress). Let us call him Cain.

I had taken the long drive back from college to visit Cain one weekend. His parents were away for a couple days going on some vacation. (they very frequently just went off on romantic get aways – tbh it was kinda weird, but ig cute?) We had decided to hang out with some friends-lets call them Gold (20, at this time), and Layla (18). All of us decided to put a movie on Netflix and we all cuddled up under one blanket on his futon in the apartment of Cain’s parents’ house.