My (36M) second session with a pro dominatrix ends with both of us agreeing it may be best not to session again [MF]

TLDR: Kissing her neck from behind while fingering her clit, we realized another session may see control slip even further and be dangerous to our professional relationship… and the understanding we have with spouses.

As a quick preface to the story (and in full, honest disclosure) there is not a lot of action here which is why I posted the TLDR. You might say it’s more of a “get this off my chest story”. I’m also not a naturally gifted writer and this is my first time putting something like this together. Soooo, without further blah blah, here we go.

I (36M) work a highly stressful job that commands constant and consistent supervision of nearly 100 employees. In order to combat this my wife (who is a natural submissive) and I have come to an agreement on what is essentially a type of therapy involving legal services of a professional dominatrix were I can relinquish control and be a passenger, essentially shutting my brain off for a predetermined period of time and simply existing. This is something my wife isn’t comfortable fulfilling the role of. Services are all professional + legal. My experience would only see the need for a session or two a year, and only as needed.