[MF] My wife and I began experimenting thanks to Reddit

Quick background- we are both 34 and we met been together for 6 years. I am 6 foot tall athletic build from playing a lot of sports, not extremely fit like I was in my 20’s, but who is? My wife, Bree, is 5’9″, dark hair, golden brown eyes, and fair skin. She has perfectly full lips, large DD breasts, and a thick ass you can sink your fingers into. We recently kind of fell into a rut in our sex life where we hit the same three positions every session. Now these weren’t bad positions and they got the job done for both of us every time. However, sometimes it was more doing what we had to do so we could both cum rather than really taking our time, exploring, experimenting, and having fun.

We had talked about different ideas to spice things up like role playing or playing an erotic board/card game with another couple. We both really liked that but our couple friends are a bit too conservative for those games. We thought about writing dirty stories to each other and we were looking for inspiration when we stumbled across some of the dirtier subreddits. At first we started looking at some videos out of curiosity, but that sparked a discussion of what we liked and didn’t like. Some things we’ve known we liked but could never properly describe to the other and some we didn’t even know we liked until we saw it.