[MF] How to really eat pussy: Part Two

What have I done…
That lick…
My tongue grazing upon her clit, yes a blaze has struct. Maybe a few cold months she has had, but tonight a fire was being lit, a fire that hell itself has never before seen!
She quivers and shakes and now she knows, now she understands why she’s been a bad girl…
What I’m doing to her is a force of nature.
When nature calls, there is no control, there is no waiting, there’s only… surrender!

I’ve got her where I want her. Her laying on her back, my left arm with her right leg, wet panties to her right side (my left) and another lick… that poor throbbing clit.
Enough is enough! So I go for it… those flowing juices were like a melody of trickling water falls. Fuck! My cock still throbbing, am I in turn punishing myself?
Down boy! I reassure my self. Another lick to the clit. Fuck she’s so wet, not even I, can contain myself for too much… I start at her base of her pussy with my tongue, a lick from the bottom of her pussy to the tip of her clit in one slow motion move. The slow movement is to gather as much wetness I can, take as much juices and taste it all at the same time before I reach her clit and start to hear her orgasm…
but no. I stop… I battle myself, is this still not punishment?

[MF] How to really eat pussy: Part One

It started with a rumour…
But the first time I saw her, the first time our eyes met, for a moment frozen in time, we both knew… we both saw it… destiny.
At this point I’ve sharpened my sword. Skilled and ready for battle.
The rumour… “she likes you”
We we’re late teens. Me a couple years older. But the drive, to see what you want and feel it reciprocated… taunts you, dares you.
She’s was cute, beautiful. She had curves, nice long dirty blonde straight hair, didn’t tie it much, one off my weakness. She had a smile, and the eyes, those damn eyes! Almost blue but greyish mix. In sunlight they sparkled when she smiled.

I invited her over at my place. T’was a big house but I had my part that was an upgrade. Nice carpeted room, red carpet I remember. It’s fitting because that night I was about to take her virginity, not mortal type, the Devine type.

[MF] Ending “Pushing boundaries” The fire has been lit

….I’m tied up, blindfolded. Have I?… no, it’s not a question. It’s true… I have completely surrender to her. She has bound me not only with my arms and sight, but I fear even my heart, maybe my soul… how did I get here? Why has me, all of me surrendered…

Another lick… then my manhood gets gripped, ever so softly. I feel fingers. I feel a thumb, A a hand? Up and down it starts…. then just while my eyes are in pure darkness letting my mind wonder freely… like reading a book… my imagination starts to put pictures together.
Something soft comes on the tip of my cock… smooth and wet.. it locks and sucks the tip… wtf is going on? This adrenaline that pretends to aide me but in truth it’s lust… it’s takes over me, the darkness and being helpless speak to me… “how is that so far babe?”… who said that?
Is it her… is it… the darkness? Some warm sensation starts to cover my tip and slowly starts to get hotter… I feel like my manhood is being slowly dipped in a mix of warm melted honey… her lips… I can feel them… induced I have no words… just the pleasure… down more I feel my cock getting dipped in that melted honey… so warm now covers me completely! Slowly but this is killing me… what is she doing?
My restraints prevent me from breaking free, not because physical imprisonment only, the wetness of her mouth have left me paralyzed.
Up and down she goes, the friction creating imaginary smoke flowing from my cock… I can’t see… what are her eyes saying right now? She moves. Doesn’t touch me… I wonder… then she completely engulfs my cock in her mouth and starts stroking me with her mouth, her lips and her throat…
someone please help! What is this that I have surrendered too!?

[MF] Pushing the boundaries! Follow up

Like I said I’m new.
I checked my post and it says over 900 views(no over 9000 pun intended…)

I’m looking to share my experiences and we only live once here, so please if any feedback good or bad! I’m just not to sure how reddit works!

So I’ll drop this as a little glimpse of what happened weeks after the “Pushing the boundaries”

I was at her place… she’s a Scorpio. I’m introduced to the world of a women scorpion. She’s single still. We still fucking but not like this night. Every night is never the same.
We are both in early 30s

[MF] Pushing the boundaries!

So I’m new here. So plz help and advice

A little about me, for the sake of the post: I’m more into science, mostly phycology and how the human mind works. But I can put up a good argument in any science field and life in general.
My passion is to understand women… and with each experience it adds to my understanding.
I’ve been told I’m a good writer, and I should write. But I’ve only don’t it for fun or want to impress a girl.
So to let u know, as more of a math person than literature, I’m not the greatest with gramma, so I rely on the skills of autocorrect lol!

So I’m a freak. I think I’ve been since I was born. Something about a women that cultivates me, but I know my boundaries.
This is a story about one hot experience that helped me push my boundaries as a sexual being.