My sci (f)I erotic tale (mf)

UNEARTHED; from an erotic sci-fi novella.

As soon as Victor and I leave the bar, I immediately try to call you. Right to voicemail, no surprise there. I turn back around, expecting to see the green and yellow sign from the odd bar, Unearthed.

Yet, nothing is there except for a filthy brick wall and a pacing girl smoking a cigarette. I start leaving you a brief message,”This guy I started seeing is something else. I can almost hear you rolling your eyes, I’m not talking about Tom. I mean literally inhuman.” I’m about to go on and divulge more about my bizarre night but Victor runs up and puts his arm around me. “Yeah, I’ll call you back soon!” I unconvincingly yell into my phone.

“Slow down Elena, I know that was a shocking experience but can I at least tell you why?” Victor asks with his distinct and mutable eyes staring at me. I’ve only known Victor for a week so let me explain and in doing so, we will need to start at the beginning. It was a Wednesday. I had seen him occasionally at my favorite comic book shop and we had a what you would call, “an acquaintance relationship”.