They had all been knights that had defended the tower from dragon assaults for months but now the ancient gray stones had fallen. Dragon fire had covered the land and melted the snow into treacherous ice and the dragons, in their half-man form, supped wine in the conquered tower from the golden cups that had once served grand human Kings.
The fire roared in the central tower and the remaining knights were brought into the main room and forced to their knees.
“What handsome men,” the dragon said, swirling his wine in his monstrous claws, “they’ll do nicely for our mates.”
“You monster!” spat one of the knights, “We’ll die before we submit to you!”
“The King’s army will come,” another said, “and you’ll be done for!”
“Ah but by the time they make it here,” the dragon said, “we’ll be long gone. And you, our fair and lovely maidens by that point, won’t wish to be parted from any of us.”
The knight’s face took on a fearful cast, “what- what are you talking about?”