THE most expensive handjob i ever had! [MF] oh the shame!

Nobody ever talks about the really embarrassing stuff? But i will.. :D

So i was in my early 20’s. A close friend of mine was in what seemed a rushed relationship where they both decided marriage was the route to go down.

Me and a large group decided that for a stag party we’d go all out and arranged a 3 day weekend in Amsterdam.

Long story short.. they never made it to the wedding!

But given everything was booked months beforehand we decided to go ahead anyway.. after all, we all looked forward to a messy boys weekend.

We arrived Friday afternoon around 4pm. Got to our hotel, left our shit and set off out consuming whatever the hell we got our hands on. To be honest.. i cant really remember the first night, those chocolate space cakes hit hard as hell! but the next day i do.. vividly.

Ugly duckling turned to beautiful swan…leads to absolute fucking disaster (very deep truth) [MF]

We all have ups and downs right? Mistakes we make in our life. this story is pretty dark. It’ll delve into the worst decisions I’ve ever made, it isn’t ‘sexual’ as such in description but obviously sex was involved.
Judge me as you will. I know who i was. Im not that person anymore

My other story. “Her brother” is linked with this story.. well
Kind of, but the beginning and parts of it will make loads more sense after reading this… If you read it to the end.

Lets go way back to my school days, primary school. In my class was a girl called Jennifer. She wasn’t popular, very geeky, weird and ugly unfortunately. Never well dressed and came from a scruffy family. She had a clear target on her back for bully’s to pick on her, though i wasn’t too popular myself so i never played part in that roll. Wasn’t my thing to do.

I knew she had an innocent crush on me at the time, simply because.. she’d tell me, obviously I wasn’t interested and to be honest i tried to avoid her as much as possible because you’d become a target yourself.

So, [M]e and Beth…. went to church [MF]

Read my other post ‘weirdest kink’ if you haven’t already. It has the introduction of us and how we came to be.

We went to church the other day. No we’re not religious, it was my niece’s communion. My and a bunch of other families attented. Beth has always come to every family event or party its just the normal now, to the the point where if I show up without her the first thing I’m asked is

“oh you’re not with Beth? where’s Beth? Why’s she not come?”

Shes just become part of the family over the years.

We sat in church, i was in my usual greyish silvery suit i bought probably 12 years ago but still fits me and it cost alot so fuck it suit for life, in a white long sleeved shirt which is tight on me but if i do say so…makes my body look pretty damn good. Beth was wearing a light peach dress, tight around her waist and her cleavage but puffed out and frilly at the bottom, she had a pair of heels on to match, as I mentioned its rare you see her in a dress but my good lord she looked fucking FIRE! Very yummy indeed…

Her brother BEAT THE CRAP out of [M]e but i was rewarded with a blowjob! [MF]

Just to be very clear. I am NOT promoting the use or act of violence of any kind.

A story of little messed up situation i got myself into, definitely not as humorous and lighthearted as my last story and it may not be for everyone but still a tale worth telling.

A couple of years back i met a girl, Jade. She was 25 and i was 27 both of us were single, i’d just come out if a 2 year long relationship which jade actually played a part of, but not from cheating with her or anything like that. I wont go into how we met because its a very long, complicated story and involves naughty stuff but from that we developed a fairly good (risky) friendship. completely common never anything physical or even close to sexual… although i thought she was pretty fit I won’t lie, there was one thing stopping us from ever getting close with each-other ..

her messed up family.

Id meet up with her sometimes whilst on my work lunch break. She lived close by in a really shitty apartment complex on a very rough estate. Her family wasn’t well off, didn’t work and had a long standing bad reputation.

[M]y [F]riend had the WEIRDEST kink! [MF]… continued.

I didn’t expect so many people to invest their time into this story, but thank you for your compliments and I’m glad you enjoyed reading. I know that some of my terms of describing body parts may have disagreed with some of you but its to keep it in lighthearted humour in relation to this story. And as I’ve already mentioned i do not like the constant repetition of sexual words like “pussy or cock” throughout stories. I find them distasteful.


“Why you panicking? Do you not want a baby with me?”

“Er… i- n”

“Oh shut up I’m joking, of course i am”

Deep sigh of relief…

She squeezed her legs together crossing her thighs

“Whats wrong?”

“Will you grab me some tissues please?”


“Please, just get me some tissue DO YOU WANT CUM ON YOUR CARPET!!”

“Eww Beth!”

“Hurry up then!”

I ran to the kitchen for paper towels and handed the roll to her, she unraveled a pile and placed it under her now ham and mayo sandwich and waddled upstairs

[M]y [F]riend had the WEIRDEST kink! [MF]

I have a girlfriend…Not the relationship type, Beth. Our friendship goes way back to when we were kids. We lived on the same street and she used to date my best friend. After their break up we remained in contact but completely in the friend-zone with eachother.

We’re both 30 now.

We’re sort of like pen pals, we texted, called and face-timed eachother regularly, she’d call me if she had a shit day and we’d put the world to rights and id do the same visa-versa.

On occasions we’d meet up, go for a drink, meals, sometimes we’d go to her place other times mine, we’d watch films, tv programs.. the normal stuff mutual friends do.

Given the amount of time we spend with eachother we’re both very comfortable companions, i have no embarrassment with her and feel i could say whatever i had on my mind.

Beth isn’t a ‘girly-girl’ she doesn’t bother with make up, dressing up in fancy frilly dresses or lusting over a perfect prince, her skin is always natural and so is her attitude, she has very dark blonde hair, neither slim nor chubby and not tall in the slightest, probably 5’1 held upside down at her ankles, but she’s a very good looking girl.