Discretion Pays$$$!!!

A man like him knew because of who he is he couldn’t just get down the way he wanted. All these hoes claim to be loyal, but piss one of em off and your business is all over social media. He needed me for my discretion.
One time in the middle of a fuck session ;out of curiosity, I reached behind him while he was still inside me I put my finger in his ass.
I don’t recommend women just try this because all men are different. Given who he was;it shocked me he didn’t try to kill me. He screamed out like he was my bitch . I swear I think he may have fell in love with me.
Oh well; he doesn’t pay me for my love. He has a wife for dat. He pays me for my discretion.

Hello Neighbor II

Things would quiet down downstairs. He was very good about keeping his company noise at a tolerable level.
Now the noise problems are coming from my apartment, in my room, right above his kitchen . The walls in our unit are so paper thin you can hear a mouse piss on cotton.  I go in my room at night and rub out the longest orgasm while imagining this man do things to me that I’ve never heard of.
You see, every since that night I confronted him about the noise disturbance; I can’t stop thinking about him. One night him and his friends were downstairs. Surprisingly, I didn’t notice anyone was downstairs because they barley made a peep. I was rubbing one out. HARD!  The curiosity must’ve been to much to handle because my wet dream was abruptly ended when I heard banging on my door.
I jumped up and threw on my robe, when I looked out the peep hole on my door I saw my neighbor standing on the other side. I took a few deep breaths and answered with a surprised smile.
“Hey,  bae what’s up?” He had a half ass grin on his face but looked confused.
“Hey ma. Just seeing if you was aight. It sound like you were crying or were you screaming?” I blushed with embarrassment “Nah, just a bad dream.”
He slide his eye between the crease in my robe. He knew I was lying. ” Oh I see, well look ma I let you get back to sleep then. Don’t hesitate to ask for any favors.” The grim never left” Goodnight.”
“Goodnight um?”
“LJ, everybody just calls me by my initials.”
I kept pressing instead of just shutting the door. “What’s LJ stand for? I mean what’s your name? Forgot to ask last time.”
“I’ll tell you later.” He teased before walking down the hall and heading back downstairs. For now it’s cool. I’ll just moan the letters LJ out when having my “special time”  now that I know there attached to him.
Somehow, I just knew this shit wasn’t over. I had to find a reason to knock on his door or get him to knock on mine.
Part III coming soon??

Hello Neighbor I

I only moved in two months ago and already made a new friend. He lives downstairs in 1A, I stay upstairs in 2A.

He annoyed me at first. Didn’t know what he looked like, age or name. I just know him and his boys are loud as FUCK! They would congregate nightly for video games or spades. Very emotional games I assume because there is no need to argue til 2:00a.m over whose book it was or who has hands on the remote.
One night I couldn’t take anymore so after I activated my pissivity chip(yes I made the word up) I went downstairs nearly kicking the door down. Between loud music, arguing and cheering no one can hear me knock.
Aggression opened the door with the same attitude I was prepared to give right back, but aggression turned into a confused delight when we both saw what was on the other side of the door.
“Hey ma, what can I do for you?”
My sight was starring at what looked to be about 6 feet and 210 pounds of pure melanin. It smelled and looked delicious.
In my head I wanted to say “snatch me up like you snatched the door?” but that would be corny as FUCK. So I politely asked” Could you please keep it down a bit? I have to get up early and your company is just a little too loud.”

My Gynecologist

For as long as I could remember I would hear about women of all sorts complain about their pap exams when going to the doctor. The utensils were to dull and hard,  the doctors cold hands , and if the doctor were a man the bitching is worse.
My story is a little different. I fear my doctor for a different reason. I’ll never forget Dr. Downes. After my experience with him I feared and yearned for a visit with him.
To make a long story short this man is absolutely beautiful to say the least. His hands were big, strong, buy soft and cold. He smelled delicious . His voice was enough to vibrate my pussy alone!
Every time he performed my breast exam my nipples shrivel up like raisans. He has to know I’m turned on as any women would be so he saved me the embarrassment and ignored it.
You know the part of the exam when the doctor uses their index and or their middle finger to check your cervix ? Well I think he got more than he could bargain for when I squirted all over his fingers.
What blew me away is when he kissed me and began thrusting his fingers longer and harder. I was so caught up in his esscense, I hadn’t realized the moaning until he put his fingers(the very fingers he had in my wet pussy) to quite me. We are after all in an observation room at a doctor’s office.
I think I came two more times maybe 3 in the next 20 minutes. He must’ve known for some time he could dominate my body and make it look professional. That’s why he looked forward for my appointments. After he finished making me slurp the last of juices off hiss fingers, he would calmly crack the door to let himself out; while I was changing back into my clothes.
Not before saying “Okay I’ll be back with your labs, and you can schedule your next exam at the front desk.” He’d wink at me and close the door.
God I love my GYNECOLOGIST!!!

You following me?

You following me?
This is terrible. I never got the brother’s name. All I knew was I had to get his ass. I remember seeing him at the bank I work at. He was making a withdrawal and I was getting off a very long First of the Month shift. My day was full of “Why is my account overdrawn?!!”
Me in my head”Because Bitch! You overdrew your account $40 fucking to by a sac of loud.” Bitch had the front of the bank reeking! ” Can’t count how many customers came in, I pull their account, and when I tell them of the purchase or withdrawal that caused them to overdraft;9 times out of 10 it’s some bullshit to that nature. I couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of there!
I was clocking out at the same time he was leaving the bank. I work in the inner city downtown area which is a hard and ruff area. Anyway for whatever reason instead of getting in my car and going home, I followed this brother to a near by basketball court.
This would become routine. I’d clock off work, walk over to the court, and watch him and his boys ball. One day, I followed him from the court to a near by project complex. He must’ve known I was following him. I stayed3 to 5 steps behind him the entire time in silence. Finally, while 3 steps ahead of me not even turning around he asked”Why you following me?” Before I could stop he stopped and I bumped right into him. “You are following me right?”
Normally one to be shy and timid at times, I oddly blurted out “Yes.”
Me”Because I want you. I’m curious to know if you are as aggressive with sex as you are playing ball.”
Him”Come find out.”