My Best Friend and I ( The Awakening 3 Sum) Part. 1

This will be a few part series telling some stories that my best friend and I had growing up, to present time, There will be a little bit of everything in these stories. All 100% true. Enjoy.

“Is it cold or is it just me?”

I asked nervously, hoping I wasn’t the only trembling in the moment. It had little to do with being cold, and everything to do with laying naked in bed with my best friend and a girl. Just moments before something big happened. And we all knew it.

To take a few steps back, I’ll explain how we got there. I was around 19 or 20, back for the summer after college. With really only one goal in mind every waking day. To get laid. Which wasn’t an issue for me ever. By then I had probably already slept with 15-20 women and felt pretty good about my sex life. So my entire summer consisted of drinking, getting laid, and hanging out with my best friend, Justin. Back to the story.

There was this girl, Nikki, that had been trying to sleep with me since high school. She was a couple years younger than me so I had stayed away, but she was 18 now so I figured, what the fuck.

Anxiety (A Mother Son Story) Part 1.

This is a long story that will have several parts to it. Most of the story is fictional with some non-fiction details. I do not have the bandwidth to write these often so part 2 will come out sometime next week. Thanks for reading.

I didn’t even know when it started. It was slow to take over, from a simple leg twitch, to less and less sleep on a nightly basis. Anxiety was starting to consume me. I wasn’t quite sure why either. I had a lot on my plate but I was used to that. Being a high level executive at a national firm filled my life with pressure, deadlines, quotas, meetings, mergers… over and over again. But I was used to this. Home life wasn’t less challenging. With 2 kids under 3 years old, the second I got home I had to switch into dad mode. Making sure they eat dinner, cleaning up after dinner, playtime, shower time, bed time. It never stopped. Then I did my best to spend some time with the wife, watched some tv or read a book and did my best to fall asleep. As much as I wanted to sleep however, my mind would wander. I would think about work, or the kids, or how bad I was at golf, whatever it was, it would keep me awake for hours sometimes. Snoozing became my worst habit, I would cling onto every last minute of sleep I could get.I guess all of that had finally caught up to me.

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Vacation with Mommy. Part 1.

I had just turned 18 and graduated from high school. My mom let me know that she had a big surprise for me for my graduation gift before I went off to college.

I was hoping it was a new car. I had been driving a beat up Xterra and would love a new car. My mom was independently rich so it wasn’t a far fetched idea but she believed in me earning my own things. Especially since my older sister became kind of a fuck up.

Anyways. Mom let me know that I would find out about my gift when I got home. I couldn’t wait.

I pulled up and saw no new car in the driveway so I figured that wasn’t going to happen. I came inside and mom was sitting on the couch.

She smiled and got up and hugged me.

“Are you ready!?”

“Yes!!” I exclaimed.

She ordered me to close my eyes. When I opened them she had an envelope in her hands.

“Open it up!” She said.

Incestual Sisters (SIL and Wife) Part. 2 [MFF]

The tension in the air was almost palpable. There was a mixture of excitement, fear, and sexual tension that was impossible to get away from. The three of us waited for someone else to say something. Seconds felt like minutes as we stood in silent. I quietly put my cock away and raised my pants. Finally. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Well, shall we head upstairs and watch some tv before bed?”

The girls took a look at each other. Kates body language giving off mixed signals.

“Sure!” Ali exclaimed.

Doing her best to help me break through the tension. We grabbed our drinks and headed upstairs in silence.

We got upstairs and I headed to the room to get out of my jeans and into some shorts. Of course I was going to sport my gray sweat shorts that showed off my cock nicely. As if they both hadn’t just stared at it for the last 15 minutes.

I head back out to the couch and notice that Kate is alone on the couch. Ali is in her bedroom. Kate had already changed earlier into some shorts and a tank top while Ali was wearing some black leggings. I couldn’t wait to see what she’d change into.

The Awakening – Sister in Law. Part 6.

The night ended swiftly after that. She gave me one more glance and smile as she left the bathroom and headed to her room.

I was dying for more. I wanted to touch her so badly but I was afraid I may be pushing my luck at that point. I waited around for a little longer to see if she would come out but she never did. I decided to call it a night. Reminding myself to not be greedy. I did just get a handjob from my sister in law and it was incredible.

The next morning I woke up and it was the first thought that hit my mind. I was already rock hard. Im not sure I ever lost that boner. I did my best to act normal around Kate but it was nearly impossible. My mind was completely consumed by the thought of Ali stroking my cock. I wanted more. So much more. But I didn’t want to wait for it anymore. The tease of it was killing me and like a drug addict, now that I had gotten a taste, I was addicted for more.

The Reawakening. Sister in Law. Part 5.

Ali and I stayed on the couch watching tv while Kate showered. She was in there at least 30 minutes. Hopefully rubbing her pussy thinking of me I thought. I knew Kate wouldn’t stay up late. She never did. I was hoping she would announce that she was ready before she came out. But I wasn’t that lucky. I heard the shower turn off and eagerly awaited Ali to come out of the shower. Finally she did. With the towel wrapped around her tits. Her legs mostly exposed and bare shoulders driving me crazy. I wanted to see so much more. I was dying for it.

She announced she was going to bed and headed into her room. I was so disappointed. I was extra turned on that night and even just her scent was enjoyable.

About 45 minutes later Kate announced she was tired and was going to sleep. I let her know that I would be staying up a little longer and she told me that was fine. I waited for Kate to brush her teeth and wash her face before bed and checked in on her once she was in the bed to make sure she wouldn’t stay up reading or anything. She didn’t.

The Reawakening. Sister in Law. Part 4.

She rejoined us on the couch and things seemed normal. But I could feel the tension in the air surrounding us. It was hard to describe. But certainly there.

Not long after Ali complained to Kate about how her back was killing her. My ears perched up. I wondered if she’d say something about me popping it all week. I hoped she wouldn’t.

“Maybe you need a good massage?” Kate suggested.

“That would be amazing.. hey Mike, you think you could give me one?”

My stomach literally fucking sunk. I could not believe she had just asked for that. And right in front of Kate!

“Umm.. yeah.. sure!” I replied.

Doing my best to keep my cool and not make it weird. And waiting for anything out of Kate. Literally nothing. I was starting to think she was in on it. It was driving me crazy.

The Reawakening – Sister in Law. Part 3.

It was now the weekend, which meant that Kate wouldn’t take her shower right before bed. Sadly, this mean I wouldn’t get to pop Ali’s back at night. I did however get to stare at her ass all morning in her tiny shorts.

Kate and I were downstairs getting ready for breakfast when I finally heard Ali walking down the stairs. She always slept in, sometimes until noon even. As she came down the stairs I noticed she wasn’t wearing the same shorts she usually did. These were blue and longer. Enough to cover her whole ass. Also these were much looser than the others. They didn’t hug her butt like the others.

I was somewhat disappointed. That was until I got a better look at them from behind. They had a perfectly round hole on her left ass cheek that exposed her bare ass behind them. It was small enough to perhaps be ignored but certainly big enough to stare. Again I was surprised that Kate didn’t mention anything about them. It’s like she was completely oblivious to a mans mind. Especially her man.

The Reawakening – Sister in Law. Part 2.

The weekend came and went without any other major moment. Sunday morning I got to enjoy her shorts once more but we had a busy day so it was much more short lived.

The week began and all things simmered down again. That was until..

It was a Wednesday night and Kate was just jumping in the shower. The baby was in bed and Ali and I shared the couch watching some tv before bed. She was wearing black tights that showed her ass well and a white tank top. Not much was being said, when suddenly.

“Ugh Mike, would you mind doing me a huge favor?” She asked.

I was a bit caught of guard. Completely zoned out at the moment.

“Yeah, what’s up?” I replied.

“My back is really hurting. Would you mind popping my back?”

A normally innocent task in most cases. But not for me. Not with her. I happily agreed.

“Of course. Umm.. how would you like me to do it?”

The reawakening – Sister in Law [OC]

Backstory for reference. I have a few posts up under the name Forbidden fruit which take actual events of how this started and add my own fantasies to the end.

The reality is that the only thing that happened between us was the mutual masturbation session. We were both sitting next to each other with unobstructed views, sadly, Kate got sick upstairs and things ended before anything else could happen.

Years past by with absolutely nothing happening again. And when I say years I mean at least 5 years.

She was still around all the time but things just died down. I still loved staring at her ass but that drive for her just wasn’t the same anymore. Life happened, a few other affairs, new jobs, etc etc.

So lets flash forward to a year ago. My wife and I now have a 1 year old daughter and Ali starts spending more time with us. She’s a fantastic aunt and my daughter absolutely loves her.