Close Teacher part 4 [Some Incest]

Part 4

“Where’s Tiffany?” Amy asks.

My head immediately perks up at the sound of her name. I answer, “I’ll go look for her.”

“Thanks Bree. You know where she is?”

“I have an idea.”

I know where she is: she’s going to talk and flirt with Mr. Reynolds. On my way to Mr. Reynolds’ class, I pass by our principal. “Hi, Ms. Powers.”

“Hello… there.”

“It’s Bree.”

“Yes, hi Bree. How’s the cheer coming along for tomorrow’s assembly?”

“Going good, would be going better with our captain showing up on time. Have you seen Tiffany?”

“Nope, haven’t seen her. If you do run into her, could you let her know I want to give her a schedule for tomorrow’s assembly?”

Oh sure, Tiffany you remember. “Or you could give it to me, and I’ll make sure she gets it.”

“Actually, I wanted her to stop by my office as well.”
“Okay, Ms. Powers. I’ll let her know.”

“Thank you … Bree is it?”

“Bree it is.” Eh, she’ll forget it by tomorrow.

Close Teacher 3

part 3

6:45 AM. My alarm clock rings. It takes me a moment to realize that I don’t have to get up for work. There’s a knock on my front door. “She didn’t.” I think to myself, half hoping that she did. She did. I open my door to find Tiffany standing there in a long trench coat and big sunglasses. “Good morning, Mr. Reynolds. Nice Jammies. May I come in?” she asks walking in, then closing the door behind her.

“How did you know where I live?” I asked, still groggy from just waking up.

Close Teacher part 2

I try to keep a close relationship with my students, portraying myself more that just an adult role model, but as an adult friend. In being a young teacher, students sometimes find it easier when someone of authority is close to their age and will listens to them, especially with all their relationship problems. Take Tiffany for example, she’s blonde, beautiful, and the goal of many of these boys is to get into her cotton white panty she flashes while cheer leading. But she’s not a stereotype. In our many talks, I have found that Tiffany is very intelligent and not at all a stereotypical blonde bimbo. I don’t know if any of the boys have been successful in their goals with her, but there were certainly rumors going around about her being the “blonde cheerleader slut who only sleeps with college boys.” I assume those rumors surfaced because the boys were unsuccessful. One day, these rumors got to her and she came into my classroom after school to talk about it.

Tiffany peeked through my classroom door and asked, “Mr. Reynolds? Can I talk to you about something?”

“Yes, of course Tiffany.” I said, placing my pen down.

Close Teacher part 3

Close Teacher part 3

6:45 AM . My alarm clock rings. It takes me a moment to realize that I don’t have to get up for work. There’s a knock on my front door. “She didn’t.” I think to myself, half hoping that she did. She did. I open my door to find Tiffany standing there in a long trench coat and big sunglasses. “Good morning, Mr. Reynolds. Nice Jammies. May I come in?” she asks walking in, then closing the door behind her.

“How did you know where I live?” I asked, still groggy from just waking up.

Close Teacher part 2

I have a secret. My secret is that I’m a teacher that has had sex with one of his students, a beautiful and intelligent blonde cheerleader named Tiffany. If Tiffany keeps this secret between us, then I wouldn’t worry about my job or my reputation, not to mention jail time, and I trust that Tiffany will. Unfortunately, I’m paranoid that a third person will find out about my secret … that is if a third person hasn’t already found out. You see, the door wasn’t closed when I was thrusting into Tiffany backside while she leaned on my desk. At the time, I gave in to Tiffany with little hesitance. But now, in feeling the legality issues and my possible unemployment if I continue this relationship, I must resist her.

The following day, I didn’t have Tiffany until the last period, but I knew that I couldn’t have this weight on my mind the entire day so I looked for her before school. I found her by her locker.

“Hey you,” she says flirtatiously.

“Mr. Reynolds, please,” I respond, “You’re here early.”

Close Teacher

I try to keep a close relationship with my students, portraying myself more that just an adult role model, but as an adult friend. In being a young teacher, students sometimes find it easier when someone of authority is close to their age and will listens to them, especially with all their relationship problems. Take Tiffany for example, she’s blonde, beautiful, and the goal of many of these high school boys is to get into her cotton white panty she flashes while cheer leading. But she’s not a stereotype. In our many talks, I have found that Tiffany is very intelligent and not at all a stereotypical blonde bimbo. I don’t know if any of the boys have been successful in their goals with her, but there were certainly rumors going around about her being the “blonde cheerleader slut who only sleeps with college boys.” I assume those rumors surfaced because the boys were unsuccessful. One day, these rumors got to her and she came into my classroom after school to talk about it.