Once Upon a Life – Part 5 of many [MF] – Matt’s 2nd Week of Classes & How He Met April

**Once Upon a Life**

**Part 5 of Many – Matt’s 2nd week of classes & how he met April in week 3.**

Matthew was still spending each night with Julianna, either in her dorm room or in his. Sadly, the sex was already dwindling and Matt was perplexed. Here they were, out of their parent’s homes, down on campus at college and they weren’t having sex each day, or even every two days. They had sex their first night and the next day upon their arrival on campus, but then Julianna began stomping on the brakes of the old sex bus. Evidently she knew, but Matt failed to grasp that since Julianna was physically sleeping next to and with Matt each night, that was more than enough for Julianna to fend off the tens of thousands of other females that were arriving on campus.

Matt had a different take of course and it was that he needed to begin having sex with other girls pronto.

A quick side note about that. The college and that dorm had a 24 hour visitation rule, meaning a guy could have a girl in his room at 2 a.m., at 4 a.m. etc. No, they weren’t supposed to cohabitate but they could be “studying” with each other at 2 a.m.

Once Upon a Life – Part 4 of Many [MF] – Matt “Breaking” Up with Julianna & How Matt Met Michelle

**Once Upon a Life**

**Part 4 of Many – Part 4 will be about Matt “breaking” up with Julianna & how he met Michelle.**

On Thurs afternoon of that first week of classes, Matthew put his big boy pants on & told Julianna that they should both be free to date others, to ensure that they were really right for each other, because if they were, they’d still end up together. Predictably, Julianna wasn’t too enamored upon hearing this.

A quick side note about a previous time Matthew tried to break up with Julianna during high school. They were both juniors in high school & Matthew had enough of Julianna as she was controlling, emotional, was feisty, full of spirit, could speak her mind easily & did so often. In a nutshell, Matthew as feeling overwhelmed & smothered by Julianna & he wanted a break so he told her they should break up.

What did Julianna do? She ensured they went on a date that very night, out to eat, then saw a movie and then they had sex with each other. Matthew wasn’t very good at breaking up was he?

Once Upon a Life – Part 3 of Many [MF] – Matt’s First Night with Julianna & How He Met Stephanie

**Once Upon a Life**

**Part 3 of Many – Matt’s 1st night with Julianna & how Matt met Stephanie**

Matt was excited as he’d been with Julianna all four years of high school and he’d never been able to spend the night with her, alone.

Matt and Julianna had sex, but it was the regular old plain sex. Matt was a bit surprised. Somehow, in his mind this was going to be the swinging from the chandelier type of sex, although there wasn’t a chandelier in his dorm room, but you get the point. They were going to be all alone all night, no classes the next day, no roommates yet, no parent’s as they were many hours away etc.

Matt wanted to have round two, but Julianna was having none of that. She did want to snuggle and cuddle though and that wasn’t bad as Matt wanted to do those things too… just after having another romp in the hay was all.

Once Upon a Life – Part 2 of Many [MF] – Matt’s First Night Sleeping With a Female

**Once Upon a Life**

**Part 2 of Many – Matt’s first night sleeping all night with a female.**

Here is the story of how Matt spent his first ever night with a female, a young lady.

Near the end of the summer there was an end of season picnic and awards ceremony for a summer league baseball program Matt had played in.

The season was over and all of the families and players were invited to a huge park. It was a huge pot luck, many grills were going and people were playing catch, Frisbee etc.

During the time there in the park, another ballplayer that Matt knew came up to talk to him. Matt knew of this guy and had known of him for years and years as they’d played against each other many times. But, this guy went to a different high school than Matt did, in the next town over so while he knew of him, he didn’t really know him. They didn’t hang out together off of the ballfields etc.

Once Upon a Life – Part 1 of Many [MF] – Background – Setting the Scene

**Once Upon a Life**

**Part 1 of Many – Background – Setting the scene**

The story will begin in the mid 1980’s with a young man named Matthew.

It was August and Matt was excitedly looking forward to beginning college in a few weeks. He was going to go to a large university, with many tens of thousands of students and he was looking forward to the coeds in particular of course.

Matthew was dating his high school sweetheart, a young lady named Julianna. Julianna was also going to be going to the same university as Matthew. They were both going to be living in the same dorm.

Matthew was in love with Julianna. They had dated all four years of high school, gone to prom together as juniors and seniors and they were now going off to college together.

While Matthew loved Julianna and thought he would likely marry her after they graduated from college, he wanted to have fun, experience all he could in college. In short, he wanted to have a blast in college, before the toils of adulthood hit him head on.