Hidden Pleasures (final chapter) [FF][FM][mast][oral]


The next morning Jennifer woke in her bed at the hotel. She slowly opened her eyes, shading them from the sun streaming through the windows. She yawned and stretched, snuggling into the blanket, still drowsy.

Jennifer suddenly sat straight up, wide awake, looking around the room. Confused at first, she started to remember the events of the previous evening. The dress, the masks. She remembered Eve and Ivy. And Will.

Her confusion grew when she couldn’t find the dress, or any of the rest of the outfit. How had she gotten back here? She now stood in the middle of the room, turning in slow circles trying to piece it together. Wandering into the bathroom, she splashed cold water on her face and slowly went over the whole night in her mind.

Okay, the tub she remembered. And the wine.

Back in the bedroom she spotted the hairbrush on the nightstand. She remembered that too, but there was no evidence that she had left this room and gone to any party. No dress, no shoes, no nothing. Had she dreamt the entire thing in a post orgasm sleep deprived state?

Hidden Pleasures (Chapter 6) [FM][FF][mast][oral]


Together they strolled slowly from room to room. Just about anything she could ever imagine was happening in this enormous house that night, from quiet conversations to all out orgies and everything in between.

When Will said he wanted to introduce her to some people, she was hesitant until he assured her she had never met any of them before.

While they were having a nice chat with a small group in the library, Will’s hand strayed to Jennifer’s bum. He rested it there for a moment and without anyone else the wiser, he pushed his index finger against the plug. Jennifer nearly choked on her drink but kept calm, muttering an apology about wine and the wrong hole, at which everyone laughed.

A few minutes later they excused themselves and as soon as they were in the hall Jennifer spun on Will.

“What the hell was that?” she demanded.

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist,” he replied as he tried unsuccessfully not to laugh.

She wasn’t really angry with him, but he couldn’t know that.

Hidden Pleasures (Chapter 5) [FM][FF][Mast][oral]


As Jennifer sat down, another chair was brought out for Will. It seemed he had some influence around here.

The light that had been the focal point of her “initiation” as it were, was dimmed further, now that the show was over.

She could hear people in the shadows, people who had watched her unashamedly orgasm in public thanks to the talents of two other women. The spectators were speaking quietly and shuffling as they left the room, off to find something new and exciting.

After a few minutes Jennifer felt like she and Will had the room to themselves. She sat there, just watching him, studying him.

“Why did you invite me here tonight?” she asked the one question that had been in her mind all night.

“Are you happy you came? I mean here, to the party?”

“Yes. Strangely enough I’m glad I did, but why choose me?”

“Why not you?” he asked. “You’re young, smart, single and beautiful. Also, your contributions to the company have not gone unnoticed. Let’s just say this is one of the perks for a job well done.”

Hidden Pleasures (Chapter 4) [FM][FF][mast][oral]


The room Jennifer entered was pitch black except for a spotlight focused on a single leather covered chair in the centre.

Music played softly from somewhere, light and hypnotic. It took her eyes a few seconds to adjust and although she still couldn’t see anyone clearly, she could sense their presence in the shadows. It was a little unnerving and she was about to turn to leave when something caught her attention.

A woman walked into the bright circle of light from the darkness on the other side of the room and sat in the chair, lounging, her legs crossed, hands on the armrests. She was completely naked except for her mask. Her long blonde hair hung down, partly covering her large breasts.

A moment later a man entered the circle from the left, stopping at her side. He looked like one of the servers from earlier – the Chippendales. He too was naked, not even a mask to cover his face.

The woman turned to him, looking up at his face. She smiled at him as she reached up, cupping his balls in her right hand. With her left hand, she grasped his semi-erect cock. She squeezed and rolled his balls gently while slowly stroking his ever growing shaft.

Hidden Pleasures (Chapter 3) [FM][FF][mast][oral]


When she finally could stand, Jennifer retrieved a towel from the bathroom to clean up. She pressed it against her pussy, and shivered slightly, still aroused and very sensitive.

She stared at the wet spot on the floor. This was definitely a first. Her orgasm had been extremely intense. She couldn’t help but think that imagining Will fucking her had been the reason.

She quickly wiped up the mess, throwing the towel with the others in a hamper.

The tops of her stockings were damp but that couldn’t be helped.

Jennifer’s fantasy had thrown off her schedule and she had to hurry if she was going to be ready on time. She quickly did her hair, deciding to let it hang loose. Bright red lipstick to match the dress put the final touches on her makeup.

Stepping into the dress she pulled it up, zipping the back. She smoothed out a couple wrinkles, checking herself in the mirror.

At that moment the phone rang.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Bonjour, this is the front desk,” a man said over the line. “Your car is waiting Mademoiselle.”

Hidden Pleasures (Chapter 1) [FM] [FF] [mast] [oral]

This is the first in a series of stories. It was never meant to be more than a one off, but I enjoyed the writing process and wanted to expand the story further. Each story can be read separately, but like any series, I feel they should be read in the correct order to fully enjoy and understand the characters and what role they play.

Any comments are welcome and I hope you enjoy.


Hidden Pleasures

Tres [FM] [FFM] [Oral] [mast] [long]



Emily open her eyes, squinting against the blazing sun and looked down at the clear blue ocean far below her poolside lounge chair. She could hear latin music drifting faintly from the bar. The air was hot and the faint breeze that blew did little to cool her.

She had been daydreaming, lost in her thoughts.

It had taken them a long time to save enough to afford this vacation and so far it was worth every penny. She and her husband James had only been at the resort a few days, but they had had more sex in that short time than most couples did in a month.

James sat under an umbrella drinking his Corona and reading a magazine. He glanced up, smiling, and a shiver ran through her.

The tropical sun was strong, and a bead a sweat trickled down between her breasts, yet her nipples stiffened. There was also a familiar tingle between her legs.

He would always smile that same slightly crooked smile while looking up from between her legs. The thought of it was making her wet, very wet in fact.