Got Roadhead [M] from my FWB [f]

Ah Vicki, she spoiled me something fierce. She was so eager to please. You don’t know how good you have it until its gone. This is the first of a number of times that she gave me roadhead.

As a friendly reminder Vicki was about 5’6″ brunette, with hair down past her shoulder. She was curvy and had the D cups to go with it. Outwardly she had a strong personality but behind closed doors she was submissive and eager to please.

For those that need the mental image: I’m a 5’10” white male, average build. Short brown hair and brown eyes. Usually clad in jeans and a t-shirt.

Now, for the epic tale. Vicki had a night class and had taken public transportation to campus that day. With the transit situation sketchy at best at night, she sent me a text asking for a ride. Having just mopped up a paper due the next day I responded back, “I suppose….”

A few minutes later Vicki sent a picture message back with the message, “Hope this motivates you to be here soon.” The picture was of her in the bathroom, looking up at the camera through her black framed glasses. Her black t-shirt was being held up by her chin. She was wearing my favorite black bra and a smile that said “Baby I need you.”

I [M] Fucked and Facialized My [f] FWB While She Was Dressed Like a Witch

Seeing as my previous post wasn’t down voted into oblivion and writing it stirred up a lot of memories of my FWB Vicki, I figured I would write another of my favorite experiences with Vicki.

As a friendly reminder Vicki was about 5’6″ brunette, with hair down past her shoulder. She was curvy and had the D cups to go with it. Outwardly she had a strong personality but behind closed doors she was submissive and eager to please.

For those that need the mental image: I’m a 5’10” white male, average build. Short brown hair and brown eyes. Usually clad in jeans and a t-shirt.

Now that we have that out of the way, this particular event took place around, you guessed it Halloween. I was working lousy retail job and was stuck closing the Friday before Halloween. Vicki and I had made plans to meet athe local dive after I was done to hang with a few friends.

I was never one for Halloween and so I phoned in my costume: I had frabbed some old camo and jacket I got from an army/navy store for camping and considered my obligation met. As soon as I could leave I went out to my car, changed in the nearly empty parking lot and drove out to the bar.

Back in Undergrad I [M] Got a Blowjob from a FWB [f] in the Bathroom While Volunteering

So back in the day I would volunteer at college on the weekends with a program that worked with under privileged middle school students access technology. The kids would come in for half a day to learn about computers, get lunch in the cafeteria and then head out. Not a bad resume builder.

My FWB, Vicki wanted in on the easy gig so I got her a spot as one of the volunteers. She was about 5’6″ brunette, with hair down past her shoulder. She was curvy and had the D cups to go with it. Outwardly she had a strong personality but behind closed doors she was submissive and eager to please.

In any case after a few weeks we got into the routine of stepping back while the kids worked and only answered questions when they asked. This left a lot of down time. On a particularly boring day Vicki was a bit more handy with me than usual. When no one was looking she would brush against me, making sure her hand or backside made contact with my crotch. And there was no doubt it was having an impact on my member.