I [m] swapped girlfriends with my college roommate for the night and we all watched each other fuck. [mmff]

A lot of you messaged me about my previous experiences with the waitress, so I’m glad some of you liked it! Had some really good convos with some girls who read it so my DMs are always open. It inspired me to write about another experience I had when I was in college. I was 21 at the time and the other people were all about the same age.

I had a pretty girlfriend at the time named Chelsea. She was tall, thin, blonde. Had really nice b cups, athletic build. Tight ass, really nice shaved pussy. Just a good looking girl. Best part about her was how adventurous she was sexually. She was a really sexual person. She turned me on to a lot of exciting stuff.

My roommate Brandon had a girlfriend too named Hannah. She was kind of the opposite of Chelsea. Short, thick, darker skin. I think she was Italian. Big tits, really fat ass. Cute face. Totally hot and I always fantasized about her.

I [m] had anal sex with my coworker [f] in my car out front of her boyfriend’s apartment.

This is another episode in the same tryst I had with my coworker who was a waitress at the restaurant where I was the chef. My first couple of experiences are on my profile if you’re interested.

At this point we were fucking for a month or so regularly. We would get together a few times a week and bang. Most times right at the restaurant after everyone had left. This time was different though. The owner had stayed late that night unexpectedly. We had plans to do our usual routine. Wait till everyone left and she comes back and we fuck but this threw a wrench in the plans. She was ready to just wait for another night but I was insistent that we make it happen.

She left and I followed a short time later. She texted me to just come by her house. I thought it was odd since I knew she lived with her man but I drove over anyway. I asked what about Joe and she said “just cunt over”. I thought maybe he was out for night or something. I pulled in to her apartment complex and texted her that I was there. She said she’d be right out. I was a little confused cause I thought I’d be going in but just texted back “ok”.

Fucking the waitress 25 [f] in the restaurant we worked at after hours. (Second encounter – with cum on tits and a creampie.) Part 2

Continuation of part one, which can be found on my profile:

We were messaging each other the whole next two days as the restaurant was closed and those were our off days. We would text and send each other pictures. She would send me nudes of her in the shower. Spreading herself open and telling me she can’t wait till I pumped her full of cum again. She would even do this while her boyfriend was home. We facetimed one night and masturbated simultaneously after her man went to bed. When I saw her fingering herself it made me so horny and I blew a big load that covered my stomach and chest. She thought it was really hot. We were talking really dirty and sending each other filthy videos for all of those two days. It was incredibly hot and got me so excited for the next time I would be with her. We would talk about all the dirty stuff we were going to do with each other. She told me I was really good at turning her on over the phone. (So if any ladies wanna chat or swap stories- Hit me up :) )

I 33 [m] came in a waitress 24 [f] I worked with at the restaurant I worked at after hours.

I was the chef at small BYOB restaurant. It was a pretty successful place and we were always busy. I ran a small kitchen with 4 guys under me. There was a few cute servers that worked there but one named Ryan who was particularly flirty with me. She always took extra interest in what I was doing and smiled a lot at me and made dirty jokes and stuff. Nothing crazy just played along and said some suggestive things at times. She had a boyfriend but I never met him just heard about him.

Our flirting got more and more heavy. Sometimes we used to hang out at the restaurant bar after hours and drink and shoot the shit after a hard nights work. One night Ryan was leaning over me watching me plate a dish and I could tell that she was being extra aggressive. Like more than normal.

She asked me if I wanted to drink with her after work one night. I said “uh yeah sure”. She said she had to run home for a minute but would come back. I was always the last one there closing up, ensuring everything was set for the next night and placing orders. Normal stuff.

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