Takin a turn

It’s a hot day. Too hot. You dicided to go to the public pool. And so did many others. Its busy at the parking lot. You step in line to pass the register. I’m in the line too, waiting…. We notice each other like we notice all the other people who want to go in. We don’t know each other….yet ;). After passing the register. We go out separate ways to change in our bathing suits.

You wearing a tight bikini wich leaves less to imagination. I’m wearing a tight speedo.

I’m ready first and I’m past the showers already. I jump in the pool between al lot of other people. I have never seen it so busy in the pool. There is barely room to move. I notice a lot of bare female skin and that turns me on a little bit.
I decide to go at the wild waterflow to stand in the current and let the water flow against my body.


Its evening and i came to your house for a massageappointment. You open the door and let me in. I put away my jacket and take my stuff with to the livingroom. Here at first we chitchat something with a drink.

I ask you where you wanna do the massage and you say in the bedroom. I say ok. Let me prepare my stuff. I have to heat up the oil and so. Why dont you make yourself comfortable and go lay on the bed. You go to the bathroom and i prepare you bedroom a littlebit by closing the curtains and put on a candle or 2. The i put on some relaxingmusic. After that i go to the kitchen to warm the oil. Im losing some clothes underway to just shorts and a shirt. I hear you comming out of the bathroom and you are setteling down on the bed. You are naked and you gonna lay face down on the sheets i put down.