[MF] Some brief highlights from my deeper-than-usual spank bank

I am a boring, married man in his mid-30s with a young child, a normie office job and a mortgage. I hold strong opinions about our local PTA and help organize our subdivision’s canned food drive.

Prior to all that, though, I really liked to fuck. My best guess is that I’d been with 80-90 women before meeting my now-wife. I stopped keeping count at some point and the names/numbers get a little hazy now. I have never had an STI or caused any unwanted pregnancies (that I know about). My wife has no idea what my real “number” is, and I have no intention of telling her about it. I’ll happily tell you, though, reddit!

A few of the standouts in my memory’s spank bank are as follows. All names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent.

**Jessie** – this story would get me banned on this sub, so I’ve removed it.