Sixteen Ch. 1-2 [Fantasy, Slave, Werewolf]

(Apologies for formatting not carrying over, will post more chapters as interest dictates! This the first couple chapters of my completed novelette.)


The girl looks at her naked form in the full length mirror. She turns to look at her figure, her large breasts sitting atop her thin frame which curved down softly into her hips. She turns more, looking at her heart shaped bottom. She had been waiting for these curves forever; she hopes to heaven they aren’t a disappointment.

Sixteen is a late bloomer, lots of the girls with higher numbers than her had fully developed already and been claimed. She thought back at the disappointment in her Master’s eyes as he looked over her body each day, ordering a different diet here, vitamins and hormone treatments there. Yesterday she finally saw the long awaited smile on his face as he nodded in approval, and told her she was ready. He never once touched her. She used to get goosebumps watching him touch the girls that belonged to him. Loving caresses. Would her new master touch her this way?