Here is my original post:
Well that was a good 10-15 minutes I won’t forget. I made a post about public groping and one of my examples was to do it in a photo me booth (passport photo booth). I can not reveal too much about the girl involved as she asked me to keep some of her details private. I received a private message from a girl telling me she was from Canada and was about to head home soon and wanted to try some public groping. After talking on Reddit for a bit we exchanged KIK’s. She did not want to send her photo as she wanted to be discreet (she did mention it sounds odd but wants to be discreet). I told her that is okay and we exchanged video voice messages as verification. As a British man I enjoyed listening to her Canadian accent, so I really hoped this would work as I like accents. After talking on KIK about her limits which where: groping over clothes only, not to grope her breasts (she mentioned she an A cup and she would be wearing a bra and is not confident in her breasts) and for me to try not to attach attention to ourselves in the passport photo booth (which I agreed on). Read more »